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Bullethead Parrotfish and Coral

These fish are solitary - they don't school, but they will often tag along with other fish.

Species: Chlorurus sordidus (Bullethead parrotfish)

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > The Big Island of Hawaii > Snorkeling > Bullethead Parrotfish and Coral

Bullethead Parrotfish and Coral

These fish are solitary - they don't school, but they will often tag along with other fish.

Species: Chlorurus sordidus (Bullethead parrotfish)

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > The Big Island of Hawaii > Snorkeling > Bullethead Parrotfish and Coral

Yellow Tang's Feeding in a School

This was at the place of refuge - the fish were less tame than Kahalu'u Beach, but the background
was much more interesting and the water was clearer.

Species: Zebrasoma flavescens (yellow tang)

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > The Big Island of Hawaii > Snorkeling > Yellow Tang's Feeding in a School

Yellow Tang's Feeding in a School

This was at the place of refuge - the fish were less tame than Kahalu'u Beach, but the background
was much more interesting and the water was clearer.

Species: Zebrasoma flavescens (yellow tang)

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > The Big Island of Hawaii > Snorkeling > Yellow Tang's Feeding in a School

Pair of Moorish Idols

These seem like classical aquarium fish.

Species: Zanclus cornutus (Moorish idol)

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > The Big Island of Hawaii > Snorkeling > Pair of Moorish Idols

Boxfish Swimming By

There are a fair number of Boxfish at Kahalu'u Beach and they are so curious that
they seem agressive - they will follow the humans around.

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > The Big Island of Hawaii > Snorkeling > Boxfish Swimming By

Yellow Tang's Feeding

There are a few types of coral.  The brain coral is fun but there is also a rounder coral that is common.
Where bare rock is exposed sea urchins are often present.

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > The Big Island of Hawaii > Snorkeling > Yellow Tang's Feeding

Brown Surgeonfish (light colour) and Parrotfish

This was at Kahalu'u Beach - the fish seem very tame.

Species: Naso unicornis (brown unicornfish)

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > The Big Island of Hawaii > Snorkeling > Brown Surgeonfish (light colour) and Parrotfish

Two Orangeband Surgeonfish and Convict Tang

This was at Kahalu'u Beach - the fish seem very tame.

Species: Acanthurus olivaceus (orangespot tang), Acanthurus triostegus (convict surgeonfish, convict tang)

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > The Big Island of Hawaii > Snorkeling > Two Orangeband Surgeonfish and Convict Tang

Female Bird Wrasse

This was at Kahalu'u Beach - the fish seem very tame.  This is a smaller fish and
didn't school.

Species: Gomphosus varius (birdfish, bird wrasse)

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > The Big Island of Hawaii > Snorkeling > Female Bird Wrasse

Scene With Fish

The bright fish in the foreground is cool, but as you look into the scene you see another, and then another fish.
It must not be that hard to camoflage in this environment, so the decision to use something like
bright white and yellow, must have some biological advantage.

Species: Chaetodon auriga (threadfin butterflyfish)

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Kauai, Hawaii > Underwater at Kauai, Hawaii > Scene With Fish

Yellow Fish
bluestriped butterflyfish - Chaetodon fremblii - just another fish swimming by.
Species: Chaetodon fremblii (bluestriped butterflyfish)

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Kauai, Hawaii > Underwater at Kauai, Hawaii > Yellow Fish

Fish Tank Fish
Just like you would see in Nemo!
Species: Zanclus cornutus (Moorish idol)

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Kauai, Hawaii > Underwater at Kauai, Hawaii > Fish Tank Fish

Keeltail needlefish
I suspect this is a Keeltail needlefish - Platybelone argalus but this is such a lousy picture.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Kauai, Hawaii > Underwater at Kauai, Hawaii > Keeltail needlefish

Schooling Fish
Three different species all hanging out together - how nice. It's seems to me that the larger black fish defeats the camouflage of the smaller lined fish (silhouetting them), but I guess that's a little difficult for the fish to figure out.

The fish with the vertical bars are called Convict Tang's (Acanthurus triostegus). The larger black fish are probably Ring Tail Surgeonfish (Acanthurus blochii) but the photo is quite low quality.

Species: Acanthurus triostegus (convict surgeonfish, convict tang)

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Kauai, Hawaii > Underwater at Kauai, Hawaii > Schooling Fish

Schooling Fish

Coming, going, you tell me - these fish (like me) were being dragged in the current and (unlike me) stopping
on each ebb to chew one whatever was on the rocks.

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Kauai, Hawaii > Underwater at Kauai, Hawaii > Schooling Fish

Yellow Eyed Fish
This is a pretty distinct looking fish but I had to no luck looking it up.

My current thinking is this is a bluethroat Wrasse.

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Vietnam > Pho Quoc > Yellow Eyed Fish

Dark Fish On Brain Coral
Dark Fish On a Plate Coral. I suspect this is from the Fungia genus, but I'm really guessing.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Vietnam > Pho Quoc > Dark Fish On Brain Coral

Cornet Fish

These fish just hang out on the bottom in the flow.  From a distance, they look like some sort of grass just dragging in the current, but they are live.

Species: Fistularia commersonii (reef cornetfish)

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Scuba Diving > Mexico Trip, Top 20 Pictures > Mexico Trip, Pictures from Water > Cornet Fish

Yellow Fish Swimming By
I believe this is a Lemon damsel - Pomacentrus moluccensis.
Species: Pomacentrus moluccensis (Lemon Damsel)

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Vietnam > Pho Quoc > Yellow Fish Swimming By

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