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Stuck To Shorts Basilica At Higuey Busy Beach
Busy Beach There were all inclusive resorts lined up along the beach and tourists from the various resorts mixed freely. Sadly, not many locals other than those trying to sell things.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Dominican Republic > Busy Beach

Stuck To Shorts These were like burrs - they stuck to clothing. Unlike burrs which have hocks, these had three whiskers splained out like a tripod.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Dominican Republic > Stuck To Shorts

Beach In Parque Nacionaldel Este Beach In Parque Nacionaldel Este
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Dominican Republic > Beach In Parque Nacionaldel Este

Basilica At Higuey We were going to just drive on by, but at this point we were about 40 minutes from our resort and some people asked to go to the bathroom. While everyone was using the public bathroom, I stepped out and took a picture.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Dominican Republic > Basilica At Higuey