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Restrict search - silhouette AND orange sky AND: sunset 2 gulf island 1 umbrella 1 Trout Lake 1 lantern 1 beach 1
New search - Related Tags: beach 360 gulf island 181 sunset 178 lantern 155 Trout Lake 28 umbrella 10

Orange Blue Silhouette
There really aren't enough orange skies.
John Harvey Photo > Photos of Vancouver > View of Vancouver From My Apartment > Orange Blue Silhouette

Helen Umbrella And Lantern
I didn't bring any additional lighting so it was hard to make images other than silhouettes. Yes, it was raining a bit, but that is what made the sky so special.
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > July 2009 > Helen Umbrella And Lantern

Sunset Behind Lennard Island
Sunset Behind Lennard Island
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Tofino BB > Sunset Behind Lennard Island

Stephen And His Sunset
Stephen is on the shore next to a rapid formed by the tide change and I believe he is using that to mirror the sunset - much as I did shortly after.
People: Stephen

John Harvey Photo > Mudge Island > Stephen And His Sunset