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Restrict search - sunset AND: time lapse 28 beach 26 Vancouver 17 silhouette 15 orange sky 13 boat 9
New search - Related Tags: beach 360 Vancouver 264 boat 147 time lapse 66 silhouette 28 orange sky 17

Passing Cloud At Anchor
This boat charters for schools in the spring and fall - I believe they are these people.
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Winter Harbour To Brooks Peninsula > Passing Cloud At Anchor

Sunset From The Crows Nest
Sunset From The Crows Nest
Tags: coast, sunset

John Harvey Photo > Kayaking in the Gulf Islands > Sunset From The Crows Nest

Sunset From Kayak
Sunset From Kayak
Tags: sunset

John Harvey Photo > Kayaking in the Gulf Islands > Sunset From Kayak

Mostly Blue Sunset
Just a little electric - I swear. It's sad that there are jet con trails up here - if a plane got into trouble, Rupert is a pretty small target.
Tags: sunset

John Harvey Photo > Aristazabal Island > Aristazabal Island - Day 7, 8, 9 > Mostly Blue Sunset

Sunset Over Thieves Bay
I don't know about buying moorage at the Thieves bay Marina - boats are already expensive enough.
John Harvey Photo > Pender Island for the May Long Weekend > Sunset Over Thieves Bay

David Taking Photos As We Leave
I like this photo. David, Sean, Mark and myself brought cameras so there was no lack of recording. The recursive nature of photo taking got a little silly sometimes. David's view is also online.
People: David

John Harvey Photo > Pender Island for the May Long Weekend > David Taking Photos As We Leave

Breakwater At Thieves Bay
This composition is really attractive to me even through it isn't really doing a good job on rule of thirds. I can't really place my finger on what works here.
John Harvey Photo > Pender Island for the May Long Weekend > Breakwater At Thieves Bay

Bedwell Harbour

Bedwell Harbour is in South Pender Island.  There is a nice pub a short Kayak trip from
the boat

Tags: sunset

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Gulf Islands Photo Cruise > Bedwell Harbour

Sunset by Cabbage Island

We spent the night in the channel between Cabbage and Tumbo islands.
The sunset matched dinner - great!

Tags: sunset

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Gulf Islands Photo Cruise > Sunset by Cabbage Island

Mud Flats at Sunset

This is looking across Sechelt Inlet from Porpoise Bay.

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Camping > Porpoise Bay, Sechelt > Mud Flats at Sunset

Mud Flats at Sunset

This is looking across Sechelt Inlet.

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Camping > Porpoise Bay, Sechelt > Mud Flats at Sunset


This is the sunset the second night from Yavapi point.  Exposure is messed which is why I didn't both cleaning up the dust.

Tags: sunset, vista

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Grand Canyon Road Trip > Day 5 of Grand Canyon Trip > Sunset

Point After Dark

Too Dark.  That trail to the point is where we hiked.  This is shot just after sunset.

Tags: canyon, sunset

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Grand Canyon Road Trip > Day 5 of Grand Canyon Trip > Point After Dark

Family Grave Marker
The light was fantastic. It's a shame the subject matter is sad.

Sub Blooming Out Power Line
Sub Blooming Out Power Line

Northern Sunset
Northern Sunset
Tags: coast, sunset


Shot right after sunset from Yavapi point.  That trail is the one we hiked.

Tags: canyon, sunset