Previous Mikey Crawling
3 of 8 from People Shots in the Horne Lake Caves


Mikey crawling down the second crawl tube. The rocks are part of stream bed.

Camera: Nikon Pronea 6i
Date: Sunday, September 6th, 1998
Film: Fuji Nexia APS 100 (print)
Lens: Nikon 24-70mm f/3.5-5.6 IX
Photo Subject: Michael
Photographer: John Harvey
Tag: cave, spelunking

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Camping > Horne Lake Caves Camping Trip > People Shots in the Horne Lake Caves > Mikey Crawling
John Harvey Photo > Horne Lake Caves Camping Trip > People Shots in the Horne Lake Caves > Mikey Crawling

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Last Modified Tuesday, June 9th, 2009 at 07:36:38. Edit
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