Juniper Bonzai Claira With Her Azalea Sundew Bog Laurel Flowers New Growth On Sword Ferns Stairs To Boardwalk Yarrow Growing Trailside Trail In Garry Oak Meadow Honeysuckle Flowers Nootka Rose In Morning Sun Sheeps Sorrel Arbutus On Ridge Common Wolly Sunflower In Moss Common Wolly Sunflower Eye Level Menzies Larkspur Common Wolly Sunflower Growing In Rocks Arbutus On Little Douglas Seed Heads Above Moss Cammas Flower Western Lily Of The Valley All Red Sorrel Field Of Camas At Uplands Park Deer In Urban Park One Meadow Deathcamas In Field Meadow Deathcamas Flower Head Camas Under Garry Oak Chipping Sparrow On Lichen Covered Branch Severly Eaten Leaves Chipping Sparrow On Rock Outcrop Outerbridge Sunset Portrait Vanilla Leaf Ground Cover Pacific Wren On Snag Broadleaf Stonecrop With Flowers Small Plants In Thin Soils Small-leaved Blinks Growing With Broadleaf Stonecrop Douglas Fir Forest Fallen Tree Made Tunnel Fairy Slipper Orchid Girls Climbed Backyard Tree Claira Self Made Sand Angel Claira Burried By Friends Ice Creams After Beach Time Lighthouse On Saltspring Sailboats With Stacked Hills Sailboats With Ferry Leaving Fullford Harbour Claira Getting Read To Trim Bonzai Claira Picking Off Flowers

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