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about map data... Centered at -125 32' 17'', 48 55' 30'',
Map Width: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
556m per pixel
278m per pixel
139m per pixel
69m per pixel
34m per pixel
17m per pixel
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Flying With Ear Protection Front of Condo Walking On Mackenzie Beach Bright Red Sponge On Rocks Jin and Jesse! Meeting Up At Chocolate Tofino Kite Surfing With Frank Island Behind Sunset From Radar Mountain Monkeyflower With View Of Beach Waves Wrapping Around Incinerator Rock Skunk Cabbage Grotto Helen Isnt Scared Of Heights Helen Among The Broccoli At Lighthouse Gas Station In Bamfield Anemone In Recovery
Having Sleep In Tree Having Sleep In Tree
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Tofino July > Having Sleep In Tree

Habitat In Damaged Trunk This is Leathery Polypody - a kind of fern I didn't know existed. In BC, it's mostly an outer Vancouver Island thing.
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Tofino July > Habitat In Damaged Trunk

Kids On Wind Formed Branch Kids On Wind Formed Branch
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Tofino July > Kids On Wind Formed Branch

Out Climbing Trees Out Climbing Trees
Tags: climbing
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Tofino July > Out Climbing Trees

Taking In Open Ocean View Taking In Open Ocean View
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Tofino July > Taking In Open Ocean View

Islands Rocks And Ocean Islands Rocks And Ocean
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > Tofino Wedding > Islands Rocks And Ocean

More Orange Castilleja More Orange Castilleja
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > Tofino Wedding > More Orange Castilleja

Red Castilleja Red Castilleja
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > Tofino Wedding > Red Castilleja

Saskatoon On The Rocks These trees can grow to be meters tall. I doubt this example will get more than 50cm tall.
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > Tofino Wedding > Saskatoon On The Rocks

Amphitrite Point Lighthouse Amphitrite Point Lighthouse
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > Tofino Wedding > Amphitrite Point Lighthouse