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Guise Bay Take Me To Your Spa Western Sandpipers Feeding Sign At Settlement Sundews Growing Through Old Trail Kelp In Sand Eagle In Foggy Trees
Guise Bay At this point the wind is blowing pretty good and it's just starting to rain. The thing to notice here is the line of fence posts that help keep the grass here. Those posts were probably set 100 years ago.
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Cape Scott > Guise Bay

Take Me To Your Spa This is us joking around a little. That cruise ship probably left Vancouver or Seattle the night before.
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Cape Scott > Take Me To Your Spa

Western Sandpipers Feeding These birds make a soft tweeting sound as they feed and they move in a mob. I just stood there as the mob moved toward me.
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Cape Scott > Western Sandpipers Feeding

Western Sandpipers Flying Away I like how they are all sticking out there legs from the take off. These little birds will migrate from Northern Canada to South America.
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Cape Scott > Western Sandpipers Flying Away

Western Sandpipers Flying By Western Sandpipers Flying By
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Cape Scott > Western Sandpipers Flying By

Helen Zonked Out With Packs Old Trail Once we arrived we still had to set up camp.
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Cape Scott > Helen Zonked Out With Packs Old Trail

Sign At Settlement BC Parks did a good job providing this history for a number of areas on the trail. The stories make you feel like a wimp.
Tags: sign
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Cape Scott > Sign At Settlement

Sundews Growing Through Old Trail Usually Sundews are hard to spot among the carpet of foliage growing in the bog. These ones were growing between old logs that used to be trail.
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Cape Scott > Sundews Growing Through Old Trail

Beach Side Field This whole field is Nodding Onion. I wouldn't be surprised if this is actually native agriculture from hundreds of years ago. The smell of onions was quite strong when we walk through this path.
Tags: beach, field
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Winter Harbour To Brooks Peninsula > Beach Side Field

Field Of Nodding Onion This field had a really strong onion smell - I was quite surprised.
Tags: field, flower
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Winter Harbour To Brooks Peninsula > Field Of Nodding Onion