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about map data... Centered at -112 07' 01'', 36 05' 11'',
Map Width: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
29685m per pixel
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7421m per pixel
3710m per pixel
1855m per pixel
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Mesas Out
Mesas Out

First walking down into the canyon. I believe that last point is called The Battleship.

Tags: canyon, hiking
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Grand Canyon Road Trip > Day 5 of Grand Canyon Trip > Mesas Out


This is the sunset the second night from Yavapi point.  Exposure is messed which is why I didn't both cleaning up the dust.

Tags: sunset, vista
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Grand Canyon Road Trip > Day 5 of Grand Canyon Trip > Sunset


This is one of my favorite shots.  The scan is a little blad, it's one of the first I did and needs to be redone.

Tags: canyon, hiking
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Grand Canyon Road Trip > Day 5 of Grand Canyon Trip > Plateau