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Hanging Valley Laying Anchor in Eucott Bay Eucott Hot Spring When we Arrived Alexander MacKenzie from Dean Channel Diagonal Falls Log Sorting Yard
Laying Anchor in Eucott Bay

At first we tried anchoring in the secluded bay but for the first time ever, I saw
the bottom under the Curve of Time. Because the tides shift anchor's, we decided it would be
safer in the large, but more exposed bay outside. (I took this picture from the crows nest)

Tags: coast
John Harvey Photo > Mid Coast of BC on the Curve of Time > Cascade Inlet to Eucott Hot Springs > Laying Anchor in Eucott Bay

Eucott Hot Spring When we Arrived

The hot spring was mostly turned off and was running in slowly so it was on luke warm.
Jaques thought it was a nice temperature so he went in for a little soak.  You can
see the clay pipe the water flows though to get to the pool.  The remains
of the old pier are visible in the background.

John Harvey Photo > Mid Coast of BC on the Curve of Time > Cascade Inlet to Eucott Hot Springs > Eucott Hot Spring When we Arrived

Group in Eucott Hot Spring

It's the end of the day, we had a good soak.

John Harvey Photo > Mid Coast of BC on the Curve of Time > Cascade Inlet to Eucott Hot Springs > Group in Eucott Hot Spring

Alexander MacKenzie from Dean Channel

This is the view from the Zodiak as we pull around to Elcho Harbour where the
Curve of Time is parked (we couldn't anchor).  The beach (about the middle of the frame)
is where we pulled the Zodiak in and where the Petroglyph is.  The marker is on the hill
and the carving is in the rock bluff on the right.

Tags: coast
John Harvey Photo > Mid Coast of BC on the Curve of Time > Jenny Inlet to Cascade Inlet > Alexander MacKenzie from Dean Channel

Alex MacKenzie From Canada by Land 22d July 1793 This is as far west as Alexander Mackenzie made it on his trip across Canada. He didn't actually carve this - that was done by surveyers later.
John Harvey Photo > Mid Coast of BC on the Curve of Time > Jenny Inlet to Cascade Inlet > Alex MacKenzie From Canada by Land 22d July 1793

Diagonal Falls

This interesting water fall is near the mouth of cascade inlet.
It's quite deep so we could get the boat quite close to it.

Tags: waterfall
John Harvey Photo > Mid Coast of BC on the Curve of Time > Jenny Inlet to Cascade Inlet > Diagonal Falls

Hanging Valley

I beleive this is a hangning valley.  The glacier would flow out of the valley and onto another glacier
that was flowing down cascade inlet.  Now that the glaciers are gone, you are left witha a valley that hangs out
over cascade inlet.

Tags: coast
John Harvey Photo > Mid Coast of BC on the Curve of Time > Jenny Inlet to Cascade Inlet > Hanging Valley

Log Sorting Yard

Once the logs were unloaded from the trucks, they would be brought down here, sorted
and then floated out into the log boom area to be towed to market.

Tags: logging
John Harvey Photo > Mid Coast of BC on the Curve of Time > Codville Lagoon to Jenny Inlet via Ocean Falls > Log Sorting Yard