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Restrict search - stream AND: swirling 6 fall colour 4 VanDusen 4 dappled light 3 bridge 2 rock 2
New search - Related Tags: bridge 173 rock 136 VanDusen 121 fall colour 39 dappled light 17 swirling 10

Pacific Wren At Stream Side
I first identified this as Winter Wren before I realized that Pacific Wren looks almost identical an lives on the west coast but the Winter Wren doesn't live here at all.
Tags: bird, stream
Species: Troglodytes pacificus (Pacific Wren)

John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > February 2019 > Pacific Wren At Stream Side

The Big Finish
I had been tuning a little - this is the best we were able to do short of bringing in a leaf blower.
John Harvey Photo > November 2008 > The Big Finish

Streaking Red
Streaking Red
John Harvey Photo > November 2008 > Streaking Red

Streaking By
Streaking By
John Harvey Photo > November 2008 > Streaking By

Chance Upon APool
Chance Upon APool
John Harvey Photo > Chance Upon APool

Rushing Stream In Forest
Rushing Stream In Forest
Tags: forest, stream

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Rainbow Lake > Rushing Stream In Forest

Mixing Water Sources
There are lots of geysers on the water and they each give off a bit of water. Add enough of these together and you get a stream. Different geysers have different sediment loads.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > New Zealand > Mixing Water Sources

Scrubbed Creek
The hiking book explained this one to me - the stream ran so heavy it scrubbed out all of the rocks and wood that normally clog up a waterway. This bedrock here is pretty soft so the stream cuts deep.
Tags: stream

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Baden Powell Trail > Scrubbed Creek

Stream Flowing From Mountain
Crossing the stream is on basically small logs - I can imagine a few wet feet from this crossing.
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Cerise Creek > Stream Flowing From Mountain

Foam Swirling In Stream
I've been trying for this effect for a long time and haven't really pulled it off. I'm trying to capture the motion of the water with things on the surface - ideally pretty leaves, but foam had to do.
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Petgill Lake > Foam Swirling In Stream

Black Tusk In Background
Black Tusk is probably 20km away from where we are - the highway is in the valley between us. We had lunch on the other end of the braided streams and you can see David walking up the hill in front of me.
John Harvey Photo > Brandywine Meadows > Black Tusk In Background

Two Sets Of Falls
I was surprised to find out that some (much?) of the water we find in streams and rivers in the summer is actually melt water. This stream is sourced in the glacier which is rapidly shrinking - what will this place look like when the glacier is gone?
John Harvey Photo > Brandywine Meadows > Two Sets Of Falls

Stream By Falls
This stream looked unaltered by man and I think shows some of the flora growing in Japan.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > A Second Trip to Japan > Nikko > Stream By Falls

Lower Brothers Creek

It's getting near the end of the day and we are crossing back
over Brothers Creek.

Tags: stream

John Harvey Photo > Brothers Creek > Lower Brothers Creek


This was shot on a bridge that crossed the stream.  This is rain forest so
everything is green, growing and lush - beautiful.

Tags: stream

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Capilano River > Stream

Little Spray

This just a small stream that flows into the river, but the lighting (a column
of light through the canopy) made it fun to play with.

Tags: stream

John Harvey Photo > Cypress Falls > Little Spray

Rocks and Water

This is just off Lynn Creek (which was flowing pretty much at the top of it's banks).
I underestimated just how much depth of field would be required.

Tags: rock, stream

John Harvey Photo > Lynn Canyon > Rocks and Water

Slimy Creek from Eucott Hot Spring

This slimy stuff lives in the warmer water that comes from the spring.
This picture is similar to on

John Harvey Photo > Mid Coast of BC on the Curve of Time > Cascade Inlet to Eucott Hot Springs > Slimy Creek from Eucott Hot Spring

River Through Rocks

I was trying to go for the S curve but the contrast killed me.  I figure this picture was about 3pm (sunset at 7).

Tags: stream

John Harvey Photo > A Weekend Around Nanaimo > River Through Rocks

S Bend on Duck Creek with Ferns

This is Duck Creek close to Vesuvius.  I'm always on the look out for pictures with S curves in them.

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - A Weekend on Salt Spring > S Bend on Duck Creek with Ferns

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