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Restrict search - resort AND: pool 6 beach 5 palm 4 Dominican Republic 4 place to stay 2 night 2
New search - Related Tags: beach 376 night 199 place to stay 42 Dominican Republic 39 pool 21 palm 14

Claira Running Up The Beach
Claira Running Up The Beach
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Taiwan > Claira Running Up The Beach

Pool At Sunrise
Pool At Sunrise
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Taiwan > Pool At Sunrise

Empty Beach At Resort
A lot of Okinawa resorts actually close their beaches (no swimming or walking allowed) over the winter. This one was open, but basically empty.
Tags: beach, resort

John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Empty Beach At Resort

Looking Into Tidepools
Looking Into Tidepools
John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Looking Into Tidepools

Resort Pool At Night
I've taken this kind of photos at a few different resorts over the years.
Tags: night, pool, resort

John Harvey Photo > Okinawa > Resort Pool At Night

Main Building Of Resort
This is two traditional village homes smashed together to make the main building.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Vietnam > Sapa And Bac Ha > Main Building Of Resort

Resort at Sunset

It was sunset, overcast but not raining at this sunset.  The buildings in the foreground
are the townhomes and our apparment block is one street back.  The rock (volcanic of course)
is jet black.

Tags: resort

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > The Big Island of Hawaii > The Resort > Resort at Sunset

Rolling Clouds at Sunset

It was sunset, overcast but not raining at this sunset.  The buildings in the foreground
are the townhomes and our apparment block is one street back.

Tags: resort, sunset

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > The Big Island of Hawaii > The Resort > Rolling Clouds at Sunset

Pool Scene

Chris demonstrating his walking on water skills. Shot with a polarizer.

Tags: pool, resort

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Scuba Diving > Mexico Trip, Top 20 Pictures > Pool Scene

Pool Scene

Shark! That's Tracey on the left, Wyatt floating in the pool and Chris looking equally concerned.

Tags: pool, resort

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Scuba Diving > Mexico Trip, Top 20 Pictures > Pool Scene

Coming into Shearwater

Welcome to Shearwater BC!  This is the resort half of Bella Bella.  The large marina
holds many tourist boats (many from the US) and the buildings house a small store, laundry,
a post office, a general store and a large marine repair facility.  There is a pub!  You can
see the water taxi between Shearwater and Bella Bella on the left.

John Harvey Photo > Mid Coast of BC on the Curve of Time > Cultus Sound to Bella Bella and Shearwater > Coming into Shearwater

Double Bay Resort

On our way down to Hanson Island we passed a lot of little fishing boats
and then their source - !  We would see a few more of these
resorts on our trip.

John Harvey Photo > Mid Coast of BC on the Curve of Time > Port McNiell to Hanson Island via Alert Bay > Double Bay Resort

Wrist Band
When you go on outings you see wrist bands from other resorts but within the resort, almost everyone has one. Surprisingly, they never appear to be checked, but it's possible that just looking at us makes is enough to verify we are on vacation.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Dominican Republic > Wrist Band

Road In Resort
Road In Resort
Tags: resort, road

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Dominican Republic > Road In Resort

Resort Buildings
Your image of place is strongly formed by the the first time you see it. Seeing the resort for the first time at night was a nice touch.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Dominican Republic > Resort Buildings

Resort At Sunset
We were just walking down the beach back to our resort when I spotted this one. I don't even know which company it is.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Dominican Republic > Resort At Sunset

Pool Bar
This is two images seemed together - I did a really poor job taking these photos - the camera wasn't actually that close in orientation or position so please excuse the rough treatment. The sun set pretty close to 6pm each night, but the bar stayed open as long as there were customers - generally until 8 or 9pm. You could always get drinks at the restaurant.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Dominican Republic > Pool Bar

Our Beach Front
Our Beach Front
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Dominican Republic > Our Beach Front

Palm by Pool

This is one of the palm trees that line the pool. That's the Pacific Ocean (looking west) just below the near constant haze.

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Scuba Diving > Mexico Trip, Top 20 Pictures > Mexico Trip, Top 20 Pictures > Palm by Pool

Resort Canal

This is the canal between the pool and the rooms. We raced down this canal in a Kayak and saw some wildlife (birds) here.

Tags: Mexico, resort

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Scuba Diving > Mexico Trip, Top 20 Pictures > Mexico Trip, Top 20 Pictures > Resort Canal

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