Barred Owl Side View
Getting under the canopy to get a photo was easy - getting a clear shot without branches in the foreground took a little bit of maneuvering. When I wasn't moving, the bird basically ignored me.
My camera is in the shop - this photo was taken with my wife's camera.
Barred Owl Looking At Me
Those claws (talons) really are for killing. Both time I saw the birds, I saw them fly to the ground to investigate things - I suspect look for small mammals.
Pink Fawn Lily In Sun
This is the kind of photo you get when you have a birding lens on your camera and you see flowers but you are too lazy to change lenses.
Two Hummingbird Chicks On Nest
This is the last few days in the nest. I came back on Wednesday and they were gone. These are both chicks - notice the lack of black features on the throat and forehead.