Two Hummingbird Chicks On Nest
This is the last few days in the nest. I came back on Wednesday and they were gone. These are both chicks - notice the lack of black features on the throat and forehead.
American Robin On Nest
I was taking photos of the fruit in the tree when I noticed the nest and then I noticed the bird on the nest. You can see a baby birds beak under the parent.
Osprey On Nest
I believe there were two chicks in the nest - I later saw both up, but the nest has a lot of sticks blocking the view. There is a webcam for this nest run by the Lillooet Naturalist Society.
Juvenile Osprey On Nest Platform
The eye colour on Juvenile's is more orange (parents are yellow) and the features have an outline of white around them.
Barn Swallow Inspecting Nest
This shot was a complete fluke. Helen and I were in blind and saw the nest inside. I set up to take a shot of the nest (on a tripod with a timer no less) and just as the shot took we saw the bird fly in. We were both shocked.