Diana and Jeff's Wedding

By this point it should be obvious that I like taking pictures of
flowers. I arrived at my Aunts house hours before the wedding and my
mother had arrived shortly before with an unbelievable number of
flowers - some 14 dozen roses, to complement the flowers that were
already in the walk in freezer at the reception hall.

As the
afternoon moved on, we got dressed in our tuxedos and dresses.
schedule (it's amazing anything happens on schedule) Diana and my
father left in the the convertible and I took the rest of the brides
maids to the wedding site - Kin Beach.
The wedding itself was beautiful. We gathered around the minister
with a view of the Georgia Straight and the mountains on the mainland
while he proceeded through the ceremony. The parents gave there
blessing, rings were produced and two horseshoes were passed along.
Weddings are a happy event for many reasons - one of them being the
collection of family. It's rare to have so many people together
at the same time, so I was happy to take photos.
Somehow kids just seem to get into photos. Kayla (the flower
girl) and Justin (ring bearer) were very patient with the whole event.
But the day really is about the bride and groom and the brides wedding
After a crazy number of photos we went to the reception hall. The
ride over was about half hour - it was nice to have a seat and watch
the world go by. We arrived just before dinner (funny how that
works) and had a fantastic dinner.

Dinner, speeches, an encore from the piper and a great wedding cake, we
have a good evening.
Tags: Do Not Tag(20), flowers(4), wedding(3), flower(1), candlelight(1)
People: Diana(10), Jeff(7), Justin(2), Kayla(2), Janet(2), Edna(2)
From: John Harvey Photo > Pictures of People > Diana and Jeff's Wedding
Last Modified Tuesday, June 9th, 2009 at 00:51:07 Edit
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