Fashion Course, Shoot 1
A Second Course at Focal Point
On Saturday we had our first fashion shoot - 3 models,
two (and a bit) light setups and basically just jump in. The goal
of the shoot was a "Beauty Shot" - a single, relativly flat flat shot
that shows beauty in a face. Generally it would be used for a
makeup advert or positioning.
We had three makeup levels on the models - light (natural), medium and

The second model is an impressive 6 feet tall. This is the
tallest model I've ever shot and on a few occasions I had problems
reaching eye level. New experience for me, but Syx, our
instructor compained it happens way too often to him.

Obvious every model is unique, but shooting with the different models
at the same time really impresses that upon you. The last model
(a 16 year old who one a modeling competition with John Casablancas)
got the heaviest makeup which really didn't seem to match the
vulnerable girl she soft often acted.
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From: John Harvey Photo > Fashion Course, Shoot 1
Last Modified Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 23:42:46 Edit
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