Shoot 3
Hey, How about using that large ball of burning gas as a light?

I have to admit, I was little worried about this
shoot. We shot outside in Vancouver on a day with a 40% chance of
rain, using electric lights. We were shooting downtown. The
time it took to get the models ready meant we only had a few hours to
shoot before we had close up.
We started at the Park at the corner of Cordova and Bute. There
is a public art piece here of a church that has been put in upside down
- kind of mid spin through a tornado. We explored the park a
little and walked back to our home base at Howe and Cordova.
After a clothing change, we explored the underground parking
lot. They day, while short, was way more fun that I was
expecting. We had a small, tight group that reliably executed
ideas. The models (Kat and Kata as well as Ola) again performed
beyond our expectations. It was a good day.
Tags: fashion(5), alley(1)
From: John Harvey Photo > Shoot 3
Last Modified Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 23:42:51 Edit
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