January 2012
A few weekend trips
Reifle Bird Sanctuary

Every once in a while my wife needs to
work a weekend so it's just Dad and Daughter for the day. I
like the bird Sanctuary and it's roughly the right time of the
year to see the Snow Geese. Turns out I was wrong on the
timing of the snow geese (they are in Washington State around
January), but there are always lots of Mallards!
Kids are always learning new things and
Nara has learned the fun of "Puddles"! She had good wet
weather clothes on so she could jump in the puddles as much as
she wanted and there would be no problems. Turns out
there were more puddles in Chinatown than there were at Bird

Did I get to see Snow Geese? Not so much. Owls?
No. Ducks? A few. A morning out with the
daughter - a good day.
(Truth be told, there were some Night Herons resting in the
sanctuary while we were there. I could see them but they
were standing in trees a long way away - not a very compelling
image. We also saw a Great Blue Heron - Nara went over to
investigate and the bird (sensibly) left.)
Chinese New Year

The big parade in Chinatown happens around
noon. So does Nara's nap. Thankfully the Dr. Sun Yat
Sen garden was open at 10am and was open by donation rather than
the usual fee. We hoped a bus and went for a walk in the
The garden really is a fantastic location. As long as
there aren't a million people, there are lots of great
backgrounds, especially if you can use the longer end of your
When we were last in Hong Kong we bought a "traditional - 棉襖"
Chinese cotton jacket in pink. It was raining so we
didn't get to show it off much but when it did come out, she got
lots of attention.

Nara was really tired by 11:30 so we hopped a bus and were home 10
minutes later. A good day out!
Tags: Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden(3), lantern(2), Reifel Bird Sanctuary(1), dragon(1)
People: Nara(11), Helen(2)
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > January 2012
Last Modified Sunday, January 29th, 2023 at 20:43:18 Edit
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