John Harvey Photo

February 2010

Go to Slide Show Smaller Images Family and the Olympics


My Cousin is "gliding" - walking by holding onto furniture and scaring his parents as he tries to go from one island to the next.  He isn't quite up to independent walking yet, but you get the feeling it is coming soon.

ALittle Hair Crossed Over Inspecting The Trunk LidWalking Around To Say Hi
  Dad Giving AHand Walking AroundAre You In There

2010 Olympics

The Olympics have been a long time coming and they are finally here.  I decided to wander around and check out some of the features.  It's the Vancouver I remember, but a little different.  The zip line across Robson Square is cool - apparently the line up was 6 hours on Saturday.  The line up to get into the Bay (olympic store) was steady at 30 to 45 minutes. 

Cleaning The Hotel GeorgiaZip Line Over Robson Square 45 Minute Wait To Get In The Bay

The Olympic cauldron was nice to see - you can't get very close, but perhaps that makes it look better.

Olympic Cauldron
Granville Street around Robson is closed and people mass there to see the "lanterns".  The sea wall swarms with tourists.

Granville Street Durring OlympicsInukshuk In False Creek

String Art Outside Ontario House
On some of the old expo site (soon to be condo's) there are a number of "houses" - Quebec house (the giant Q), Saskatchwan house (the dome) and Ontario House (the string art).   The houses don't have that much inside - usually some sort of food service showing off local wine and food.  There is usually a photo display of local tourist attractions.  Sochi House (Science World) has a large display by the 2014 winter Olympic site in Sochi, Russia.  My favorite house was Northern Canada House - they had taxidermy models of northern animals you have your photo with.  

False Creek Pano

Every night there is a small fireworks display in False Creek.  The fireworks happens in concert with a laser display that shines images onto a spray of water.  It's all very impressive.

Vectorial Elevation Light Show Fireworks Over Yaletown Fireworks With Olympic Rings

Granville Street Durring Olympics
Fireworks Over Yaletown
Tags: city, fireworks, Vancouver
Fireworks With Olympic Rings
Tags: city, fireworks, Vancouver
ALittle Hair Crossed Over
Person: Marcus
Olympic Cauldron
String Art Outside Ontario House
Tags: architectural decoration, art
Are You In There
Person: Marcus
Dad Giving AHand Walking Around
Person: Marcus
Walking Around To Say Hi
Person: Marcus
Vectorial Elevation Light Show
Tags: city, light show, lights, Vancouver
Cleaning The Hotel Georgia
Tags: flag
Zip Line Over Robson Square
Tags: zipline
False Creek Pano
Inspecting The Trunk Lid
Person: Marcus
Inukshuk In False Creek
45 Minute Wait To Get In The Bay
Tags: Vancouver(3), city(3), fireworks(2), flag(1), architectural decoration(1), art(1)
People: Marcus(5)
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > February 2010

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Last Modified Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 23:49:05 Edit
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