John Harvey Photo

March 2022

Go to Slide Show Smaller Images A nice walk at Reifel Bird Sanctuary

Blackbird On Naras Head
One of Nara's friends has parents that really enjoy birding.  I was booking for a weekend visit and decided to reserve for two cars so we could make a play date out of it. 

Nara Feeding Red Wing Black Bird

Malard Male On Handrail
Spring is a good time to visit - in theory there are migrant birds coming through that are on their way to the North and you can sometimes spot something interesting.  Given what other photographers were asking about, the sighting for the day was a Goshawk (which we didn't see).  Even though the kids were both 11, they both had two bags of bird seed and were happy to seed the birds waddle up to up to us.

Ring Necked DuckSong Sparrow On Branch
Portrait Of Sandhill Crane
Reifel has a breed pair and some young Sandhill Cranes that are always striking if you see them.  This time we also spotted a Ring-Nicked Pheasant - an invasive bird that seem to do well in farm lands in the lower mainland. 

Pheasant Hiding In GrassNorthern Pintail Female
Using Binoculars
Of course, kids being kids there was lots of play while we walked around. 

Blackbird On Naras Head
Altitude: 3m (9 feet)
Location: Go To...
Malard Male On Handrail
Species: Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard)
Altitude: 6m (19 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Ring Necked Duck
Species: Aythya collaris (Ring-necked Duck)
Altitude: 1m (3 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: reflection, Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Pheasant Hiding In Grass
Species: Phasianus colchicus (Ring-necked Pheasant)
Altitude: 5m (16 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: invasive, Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Northern Pintail Female
Species: Anas acuta (Northern Pintail)
Tags: motion blur, Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Song Sparrow On Branch
Species: Melospiza melodia (Song Sparrow)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Nara Feeding Red Wing Black Bird
Person: Nara
Altitude: 3m (9 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: hand feeding, Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Portrait Of Sandhill Crane
Species: Grus canadensis (Sandhill Crane)
Altitude: 3m (9 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Using Binoculars
Altitude: 4m (13 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Reifel Bird Sanctuary(7), hand feeding(1), motion blur(1), invasive(1), reflection(1)
People: Nara(1)
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > March 2022

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Last Modified Sunday, January 22nd, 2023 at 00:12:22 Edit
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