Claira has been on scoot bike for a
while and she has expressed an interest in pedals but also
wanted training wheels. I wasn't keen to go to
training wheels because she already had good balance and
it took Nara a long time to get a good sense of balance
after going to without training wheels. Today was
apparently the day! The week before we practiced
biking here where I held her shoulders as she pedaled
around. She got a better sense of how the brakes
work and at one point she got her speed going and didn't
need me any more.
She has a fearsome need for speed - the bike is more stable the
faster you go - so I'm worried this going to lead to big
crash. Nara is really supporting her sister with her
biking. Every time Claira got a good segment of biking, Nara
gave her a high five. Nara was fine letting Claira bike
first and had nice words of encouragement. Everyone had a
good day.
Courtenay For the May Long Weekend
Many years ago, on a kayaking trip I stumbled into Checkered
Lilies. Really, they were shown to me and being so visually
unusuall, I really took notice to them. They always remained
somewhat elusive - you don't find them in Vancouver in gardins or at
the beach. I was walking near our picnic spot and surprise -
Checkered Lilies! They were actually quite common - found at
the base of Douglas Fir trees close to the Ocean. It was
almost like a reunion with a long lost friend.
I heard barking down a beach from us and assumed it was some sort of
dog. After it didn't stop for a few minutes, I took a look and
discovered it was sea lions basking out in the ocean. There
were more than a dozen total, floating at the ocean surface, sunning
their fins. I've seen sea lions close shore before but they
are usually traveling and are gone in a few minutes.