June 2012
Along Comes Baby
Reifel Bird Sanctuary

The Reifel Bird Sanctuary is one of my favorite
places in the lower mainland - lots of things for kids but as
someone who likes to see birds, lots to keep me happy as
well. Helen is nearing due so we were looking for a get
together that wasn't so physically exhasting (for the
parents). It's roughly half way to my sisters house so we
planned a meet up.

It's Canada
Goose breeding time so the usual swams of Malards were pushed out of
the way by Canada Geese chicks (Goslings). The Canada geese
generally organized into "families" and they would roughly keep to
themselves - one family stop for a feed, get pushed on by the next
family who, a few minutes later, was pushed on by the next. Of
course we stay still and just keep handing out food.
Our little ones needed some leg stretching so they took
opporuntities to run up and down the ramps. If you
really are at the park to see the birds, maybe you should come when
the park opens.
The bird sanctaury has a nice picnic area so we go together for
lunch before the kids started to need naps. The crows are no
dummies - they know there will be food scraps after clean up so they
hang out and wait.

we were having lunch we got a surprise visit - the Sandhill Cranes
came by. It's nesting season for them and part of the park is
closed off so there is a "human-wildlife" conflict.
Sadly, one of the mating pairs lost their chick this morning so the
male bird was taking it out on the Juvinile males. I've never
seen a Sandhill Crane angry, but the park staff told us the ruffled
rump feathers were a dead give away. The dad did eventually
run off the younger cranes (they take flight surprisingly easily).
I was quite impressed to see the birds.
June 26th
Nara was born after two days of labour and
an unplanned C Section. We knew very little of what to
expect (even though we took the course), were tired and basically
just kept our heads above water. With our second child we
had a planned C Section booked (two days before due) and were
almost well rested before the surgery. (Neither of us slept
well the night before - even Nara got up in the middle of the
night to return some noodles from our "Last Dinner").

The surgery was a bit late so we had lots
of anticipation time. Once things get under way, it goes
very quickly. We haven't yet picked a name so we are
currently calling here simply "baby". Baby was delivered
about 12:30 and was willing to yell at the new world. She
quickly calmed down and did well through the testing phase.
Post surgery, we are shuffled to the recovery room and we get to
appreciate what is going on. Baby was very well behaved -
she did well with the latching and after a "feed" hung out in the
bassinet and surveyed the room. She was easy to settle and
seemed to be having a good time. We moved up to our longer
stay room fairly quickly.
Some time after 4pm we were ready to receive our first
guests. I left around five to join my Mom and Nara (who had
graciously picked up Nara from daycare) and after dinner we
returned to the hospital so Nara and my parents could see
"Baby". Helen was getting over the drugs and felt much

Nara recognized there was a baby in the
room, but she wasn't keen to interact. Mommy read Nara some
stories before we took Nara home for a bath and bed.
June 27th

The experience for first and second child
is night and day different. First child, I stayed at the
hospital for the first three days after the Nara was born and was
basically a zombie. For "Baby", I go home to take care of
Nara overnight and arrive at the hospital fresh as a bunny.
Helen has her Aunt here providing support, but I'm sure her life
is far from a walk in the park.
Given our feeding experience with Nara, "Baby" is being
supplemented with donor breast milk. Everyone is happier
compared to our first.
Nara and I dropped by for dinner - Nara
misses her Mommy and still doesn't really want to acknowledge the
baby. Hopefully tomorrow is come home day!
People: Claira(11), James(3), Marcus(3), Nara(3), Janet(1), Helen(1)
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > June 2012
Wow, she so beautiful! Well done Helen and John. I can't wait to meet her...hopefully she will have a name by the time we come by for a visit...although baby is a nice name too. Thanks for posting these for everyone, it is so nice to be part of this wonderful event. Welcome to the family...Baby :) we love you already!
Love Cousins Marcus and James and Auntie Di and Uncle Jeff
Auntie Diana
Wednesday, June 27th, 2012 at 22:40:52
Congratulations on the birth of your baby daughter. She is a real cutie! We enjoyed your informative update and pictures. Give Helen our best wishes for a speedy recovery. We look forward to a visit with you sometime in the coming months.
Joan Johnson
Thursday, June 28th, 2012 at 13:21:34
Baby is simply and utterly gorgeous! Congratulations to everyone. The photos with Baby and Helen doing skin to skin and feeding are especially wonderful. Helen seems so peaceful and calm. We can't wait to meet her. Hugs, Gabi, Eric & Xander.
Gabi & Eric
Thursday, June 28th, 2012 at 17:57:42
Last Modified Saturday, January 28th, 2023 at 22:53:37 Edit
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