July 2008
A quick trip to the garden and...

VanDusen is hard for me. It's a
beautiful space,
but in general I'd rather find my artwork in nature rather than taking
pictures of someone else's
Gardening, the act of
rearranging a found scene, such as removing a stray blade of grass, is
considered an insult in macro photography. So obviously I'm
conflicted when I visit VanDusen because I need to find photographs
that are powerful in spite of the gardener rather than because of
it. So far, I'm not having much luck.

My employer wound up giving us a few days off without much warning. A
fire in an electrical substation knocked out power in some parts of
downtown Vancouver for up to 4 days. Still under the belief that
I would be back to work in "a few more hours", I took a morning off to
go wander around VanDusen. Pretty much as soon as I entered I ran
into an artist in the garden.
The garden was putting on a Sculpture in the park event and Claire
Murgatroyd was one of the artists exhibiting. Her piece is three
way cross between a wheelbarrow, a park bench and garden irrigation
system and I'm sure it will make a brilliant piece in the right
garden. She asked me to take a photo of it. Conflicts
abound. I took a stock photo, but I also tried to capture a piece
of "found art" from it. Sadly, I think her work eclipses mine,
but it was a fun challenge.

I spent a bit of time wandering more of the
garden and
took a few snaps, but harsh summer light isn't particularly
flattering. (Or I'm just making excuses.). Either way, it
was a fun morning out.
Eric's Stag

Unlike his boozy friends, Eric has always been a bit of a
gentlemen. We studied dirty arts like Engineering while Eric got
a dignified degree in English. We went straight into the rough
and tumble world or selling out to corporations while Eric chose to
travel after his studies completed. It goes without saying that
his stag would be similarly dignified.
Our first destination was the Hastings Racecourse for a little action
with the horses. Jeremy rented us a few booths and we got down to
being gentlemen and the task at hand - making money! We had some
help with the betting and after a few rounds we got the hang of
succinctly asking for our wishing to be translated to paper.

We each had our "program" - a way of shaping the odds
to our favor without curtailing our winnings. We debated the
wisdom of crowds (they knew how wasn't going to win, but they didn't
always do so well on who was going to win).

Well, you can take the man out to the park, but you
can't always take the park out of the man. We took public
transport to the local science center and partook of gentlmen's outdoor
games - a bit of Bocce and a crumb of croquette.
Of course we had to increase the challenge a little by making some
"substitutions" to the regulation playing equipment.

Famished by the rigors of outdoor sport, we
terrorized a local eatery.

And walked back to our good man David's house of a bit
of late evening refreshments.
Nothing beats a bit of cognac and cigars to end a very pleasant day.
Tags: Do Not Tag(15), game(7), VanDusen(6), pond(3), garden(3), art(2)
People: Eric(6), Michael(6), David(5), Jeremy(5), Mark(5), Stephen(4)
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > 07_2008
Last Modified Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 23:46:43 Edit
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