October 2008
A Trip to Vancouver Island
Helen and I frequently see mushrooms while
but we have no idea what we are looking at. Helen found a course
The Aerie on Vancouver
Island to help you identify edible mushrooms. We booked a spot!

We were wisked away to a secret location and
Michael (our guide) walked us into the forest to find some spots that
he knew to be productive. As we spotted mushrooms, he pointed out
what they were (or poisionus if he didn't know). We found two
different types of chanterelles, as well as many lobster mushrooms.

The mushrooms we looked for are quite
distinct. The Chanterelles
have gills that go down their stalk and the top is not cup
shaped. The stalk is firm and the mushroom isn't
wormy. Lobster mushrooms are also quite distinct - covered in red
all over.

The majority of mushrooms we saw were
poisious. We went on this
course to learn because getting mushrooms right is so hard.

After a realitivly brief hunt (perhaps 2
hours) we
returned with our buckets of mushrooms. The mushrroms were sorted
for quality and the kitchen at the resort cleaned up results and
packaged them in take away boxes. We had our mushrooms in a nice
pasta - yummie!
of Lost Souls

I went last
when Helen was in Hong Kong. This year she wanted to go
too. The event is put on the public dreams society and takes over
a few blocks of Comercial drive and the surrounding area. We
called some friends to try and get a larger group to go and headed

We parked and walked into the crazy
zone. There
are so many different things to see! Some of the houses are
decorated, either in a parade of lost souls sense (celibrating family,
both gone and here) or in a halloween sense. People are walking
around in costumes (my second year without a costume - I really should
work on it). At several points there are activities organized by
the society.
One of my favorite events is the fire demonstrations. This years
event was much larger than last years. Last years was on the
field by the school - this years was done in the tenis courts with a
chain link fence to keep people back.
I had a bit more fun this year with costumes. The block of
comerical right in front of grandview park is a common place for people
to strut their stuff and pose for photographers. The best
costumes were the ones that were clever, but so many people put so much
effort into it that it was hard to pick favorites.

Last year it was raining a little, but still
busy. This year it was clear (but cold) and the place was a
zoo. It was fun to do, and definitly worth returning too, perhaps
in costume.
Halloween Night

There aren't a lot of trick or treaters in a Condo -
everyone seems to run to houses. We spent the night watching a
scary movie and listening to the near constant pop of fireworks going
off around. I walked out onto the deck and noticed everywhere you
look, you could see mini-fireworks shows. It's impressive how
much money was going up in flames every second. I tried to take a
few pictures, but fireworks you can buy aren't on the same scale as the
ones used by the professional shows.
The noise went well into the night, but I that is what you would expect
on Halloween.
Tags: performance(14), night(11), costume(8), long exposure(8), fire(8), mushroom(6)
From: John Harvey Photo > October 2008
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > October 2008
Last Modified Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 23:46:59 Edit
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