John Harvey Photo

SparklersGo to Slide Show

Jesse and Sean bought some sparklers

Mark's FirstJer Circle

Sean's StarThao's Play

John NameKaren's Hi!

Karen's Hi!
Tags: fireworks, long exposure
John Name
Person: John
Tags: fireworks, long exposure
Sean's Star
Tags: fireworks, long exposure
Mark's First
Tags: fireworks, long exposure
Jer Circle
Person: Jeremy
Tags: fireworks, long exposure
Thao's Play
Tags: fireworks, long exposure
Tags: fireworks(6), long exposure(6)
People: Jeremy(1), John(1)
From: John Harvey Photo > Sparklers
From: John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - A Weekend on Salt Spring > Sparklers
From: John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - A Weekend on Salt Spring > Sparklers

i am a beginner photographer and i am trying to learn as much as i can as soon as i can. these sparkler pics are amazing to me. i have a slight idea of how you did this, but if u could tell me exactly how to achieve images like these, i would deeply appreciate it.
Monday, July 23rd, 2007 at 23:03:23

Hey Alex! This is a long exposure. It was dark out (no lights on in the yard) and I set the camera to something like 8 seconds at f8. I changed my camera to use rear curtain flash (the flash goes off at the end of the picture instead of at the beginning) and the camera was on a tripod. I gave people warning ( and while the shutter was open they drew their pattern. After 8 seconds the flash fired (lit them up) and the picture was made. John
John Harvey
Tuesday, July 24th, 2007 at 08:26:27

Hi John! I also have a beginner question for you. If you used slow sync flash which flash at beginning, would it achieve basically the same result as rear curtain flash except your hand should freeze at beginning of writing instead of finishing?
Friday, January 1st, 2010 at 05:00:13

Yup - you got it. The only advantage to rear flash (except where the hands are) is psychological. When most people see a flash they freeze. If you want the motion for a second after the flash goes off, you might find it jerky. If you capture the second before the flash goes off, it's smooth unless the subject responds to the shutter sound.
John Harvey
Saturday, January 2nd, 2010 at 20:50:52

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Last Modified Tuesday, June 9th, 2009 at 00:22:57 Edit
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