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Hotel Room
We got a Japanese style room - mostly for the Japanese style bath.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Taiwan 2 > Hotel Room

Our Ryokan With Fresh Snow
The next morning we came out to a fresh coat of snow. Today was our train day so I couldn't do much with it.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > A Fourth Trip to Japan > Gifu > Our Ryokan With Fresh Snow

Room In Yudanaka
Room In Yudanaka
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > A Fourth Trip to Japan > Nagano > Room In Yudanaka

Love That Kotatsu
I didn't take the picture of Helen sleeping under the kotatsu.
People: Helen

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > A Fourth Trip to Japan > Gunma > Love That Kotatsu

Futons Layed Out
Futons Layed Out
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > A Fourth Trip to Japan > Gunma > Futons Layed Out

Riding Fool Hostel
I was really surprised to see a hostel in Cumberland. There is lots of "outdoors" here so I'm sure it would be good to stay here for a while.
John Harvey Photo > December 2008 > Riding Fool Hostel

Interior Restaurant
Interior Restaurant
John Harvey Photo > Costa Rica > Interior Restaurant

Main Building Of Resort
This is two traditional village homes smashed together to make the main building.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Vietnam > Sapa And Bac Ha > Main Building Of Resort

Lantern Next To Road
Lantern Next To Road
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Vietnam > Sapa And Bac Ha > Lantern Next To Road

Place In Sapa
Place In Sapa
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Vietnam > Sapa And Bac Ha > Place In Sapa

View Inside Master Bedroom
View Inside Master Bedroom
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > New Zealand > View Inside Master Bedroom

Packing Up
Packing Up
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Galiano May Day > Packing Up

John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Tofino BB > Bed

There is a lot of variation in the B&B breakfast routine. Some give you flexibility about the time - others don't. Some are every morning, others you book. This was one of the better (and probably less labour intensive) breakfasts I've had.
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Tofino BB > Breakfast

One Stuffed Fridge
On this trip we did individual shopping rather than a single group purchase. That results in 7 loaves of bread for 9 people - I need half a loaf, you need half a loaf but neither of us realize we could share. It got sorted.
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Port Renfrew > One Stuffed Fridge

House From The Water
House From The Water
John Harvey Photo > Mudge Island > House From The Water

Room With View
Room With View
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > A Second Trip to Japan > Aso Volcano to Oguni Village > Room With View

Hotel Nook
When we arrived they set up Tea and we settled in. Every room has a nook where a piece of art or flowers are kept.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > A Second Trip to Japan > Aso Volcano to Oguni Village > Hotel Nook

Bedding With Night Light
I like the classical style night light. There were two bulbs inside - a small bulb (maybe 40 watts), and then a tiny night light (maybe 5 watts). The light was so very warm.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > A Second Trip to Japan > Amanohashadate > Bedding With Night Light

Clothes For Ryokan
The maid brought out this paper package that had our yukatas in it. She held them up to ensure they were the correct size. This was the only time we saw tanzen (outer jacket for warmth in the fall/winter). Andrea's set came with three obi (belts) - but our maid helped us through that. Tabi socks were included.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > A Second Trip to Japan > Amanohashadate > Clothes For Ryokan

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