December 2008
A short walk around Cumberland
Snow in Vancouver
Snow in Vancouver isn't common so when we got a run of cold weather
followed by a snow storm, it was a change from the usual.

Helen and I had some time and driving to
errands was
out of the question (not that we do that much anyways) so we decided to
do an extended walk to Granville Island to take in the sights.
Vancouver isn't exactly the city of snowplows so road conditions were
pretty bad. Sidewalks were also terrible so the walk took longer
than it normally would.
The seawall had a number of surprises. I've never seen anyone
cross country ski around the sea wall, but we saw two skiiers pass by
(in opposite directions). The water was starting to freeze and
tiny slush icebergs formed a skin on the ocean. The ducks that
normally hang out in the area had a coating of snow on their backs and
left trail behind them as they pushed through the ice. Tough day
to be a duck.s
The final blow was Alder Bay frozen. This is salt water - pacific
ocean - that separates Granville Island from the rest of the sea
wall. I was quite surprised to see it locked in ice and snow
building up on the surface. It had obviously been cold
I was the Comox Valley for Christmas and had a few hours free.
Helen and I decided to drive up and take a walk around.
Cumberland is a small town that hasn't take off like the surrounding
towns of Courtney/Comox. The place is almost completely free
franchised retail - everything here was created by locals. (The
recognizable retail was the liquor store, post office and gas
station). Most of these stores have been used for multiple
purposes over the years (my favorite was the old movie theater).
Happy New Years!

Happy new years parties have been a tradition for 10+
years for my friends. This years party was a bit smaller than
most, but not less fun. Lets go over the essentials:

The game of the night was agricola. This is a
new game but many of the elements are familiar from other games
(especially another favorite of ours - Puerto Rico). This was our
first game to conclusion and we are still mastering the rules - we made
a few minor errors, but otherwise executed well. Like most of our
favorite games, there are a variety of ways to win and generally
following the same strategy as someone else will lead to neither of you

A great new years party has a bar tender. Eric
did excellent service making sure everyone was topped up with
drink. The most common thing I heard was "bitters" - a number of
drinks he made were complex concoctions blending bitters and other
booze. Sean graciously provided most of the bar.

What else? Sean did a "everyone bring a snack"
which was an excellent idea. We ordered out Pizza which arrived
hot an fairly quickly (a big surprise to me - I figured most delivery
places would be swamped). Nearing the appointed time, champagne
was poured and we found a streaming TV station to show a
countdown. (Cable and even TV tuners is starting to be a rarity
among the circle of friends).

Party kept going after midnight. The Wii came
out and the group games came out. Helen had to work the next
morning so this is where I stepped out. Thanks everyone for the
great party!
Tags: Vancouver(5), snow(5), Do Not Tag(4), drink(3), game(3), dock(2)
People: Eric(3), Mark(3), Sean(2), Helen(1), Gabi(1), Catherine(1)
From: John Harvey Photo > December 2008
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > December 2008
Last Modified Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 23:47:15 Edit
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