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Sunset in Cascade Inlet
Tags: coast, sunset

John Harvey Photo > Mid Coast of BC on the Curve of Time > Jenny Inlet to Cascade Inlet > Sunset in Cascade Inlet

Sunset with a view of Spout Islet

The land on the left is part of Hanson Island.  The island on the right is Spout Islet.
Earlier today we went kayaking between the islands.

Tags: coast, sunset

John Harvey Photo > Mid Coast of BC on the Curve of Time > Port McNiell to Hanson Island via Alert Bay > Sunset with a view of Spout Islet

Mountains at Sunset

We were out fishing and the sun set. Who knew? I've looked
at the Topo maps and the geographical database online and
none of these mountains have names.

John Harvey Photo > Mid Coast of BC on the Curve of Time > Codville Lagoon to Jenny Inlet via Ocean Falls > Mountains at Sunset

Sunset Off Deck

Sunset is great.  We are facing northwest off the back deck.

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - A Weekend on Salt Spring > Sunset Off Deck

Sunset Overlooking ?

I need to lookup where this is.

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > A Weekend in Seattle > Sunset Overlooking ?

Sunset on the Fish Processing Plant

This was the view off our balcony.  Most evening it was rainy so this
passing break in the clouds was appreciated.  (The sound of a rain storm
against the metal roof really took me back.)

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Camping > Tofino, Hot Springs Cove > Sunset on the Fish Processing Plant

Palm Trees At Sunset
My favorite part is that venus is just starting to poke in. This is actually my favorite palm tree picture from the Dominican Republic trip.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Dominican Republic > Palm Trees At Sunset

Resort At Sunset
We were just walking down the beach back to our resort when I spotted this one. I don't even know which company it is.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Dominican Republic > Resort At Sunset

Busy Beach
There were all inclusive resorts lined up along the beach and tourists from the various resorts mixed freely. Sadly, not many locals other than those trying to sell things.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Dominican Republic > Busy Beach

View From Bed And Breakfast

Sunset is pretty spectacular - that's the Pender Islands across the water.

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - A Weekend on Salt Spring > View From Bed And Breakfast

Waiting To Get Inside Taj Mahal
Waiting To Get Inside Taj Mahal
Tags: India, sunset

John Harvey Photo > India > Delhi And Agra > Waiting To Get Inside Taj Mahal

Taking Photo In Front Of Tower
Taking Photo In Front Of Tower
John Harvey Photo > India > Delhi And Agra > Taking Photo In Front Of Tower

Taj Reflected In Dark Side
Taj Reflected In Dark Side
John Harvey Photo > India > Delhi And Agra > Taj Reflected In Dark Side

Taj After Sunset
Taj After Sunset
Tags: India, sunset

John Harvey Photo > India > Delhi And Agra > Taj After Sunset

Taj Before Sunset
Taj Before Sunset
John Harvey Photo > India > Delhi And Agra > Taj Before Sunset

Tower With Base
Tower With Base
John Harvey Photo > India > Delhi And Agra > Tower With Base

Tower Over Broken Mosque
Tower Over Broken Mosque
John Harvey Photo > India > Delhi And Agra > Tower Over Broken Mosque

Post Sunset
Velvia does tend to amp up colours, but this sunset really was this crazy colourful.
John Harvey Photo > Aristazabal Island > Aristazabal Island - Day 7, 8, 9 > Post Sunset

Tour Boat At Sunset
Tour Boat At Sunset
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Vietnam > Pho Quoc > Tour Boat At Sunset

Boats At Sunset
Boats At Sunset
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Vietnam > Pho Quoc > Boats At Sunset

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