John Harvey Photo

Eucott Hot Springs to Bella Coola

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The boat was up early to try and catch a good tide for our Journey.  Todays Route took us to the South Bentinck Arm before going North to Bella Coola.  The tides run strong in these areas so traveling at the right time can save a lot time.

Harbour Porpoises in Bentinck ArmHarbour Porpoises in Bentinck Arm

Curve of Time Driving By

We had a bright blue sky and some wonderful scenery so Jan suggested we get some pictures of the Boat.  Mike, Peter Hubert and I went out in the Zodiak and took some pictures of the Curve of Time while it drove by a particularly scenic part of the South Bentick arm.  It's by far the largest product shot I've ever done.

Curve of TimeCurve of Time with Bentinck SpireCurve of Time Driving By

We tried to stop at Tallheo hot springs, but there were a number of boats in the area already.  Unable to anchor, we anchored in Larso Bay - an old logging site.  Some of us went for a Kayak across the arm (in choppy seas) and some people stayed on the ship and did some bottom fishing.  I went for the Kayak trip so I was quite surprised when I got back and found a visitor on the ship.

Log Boom in Larso BayDog Fish Being Photographed

A little bird - I believe it's a Fox Sparrow - had flown to the Curve of Time and had taken up residence around the deck eating flies and other insects on the boat.  It was quite tame - We would catch flies against the windows and drop them - the bird would catch the flies before they hit the ground.  While I was trying to photograph the bird, a fly landed on my white t-shirt.  The bird jumped up and caught the fly against my shirt.

Little Brown Jobby (Fox Sparrow)Fox Sparrow On Skid Mat

We got underway (bird still on board) and came up to Tallheo hot springs.  The parties that were there earlier had left so we went on shore in the Zodiak and brought the bird with us.

 Tallheo Hot Spring from WaterTallheo Hot SpringsSwimming Back to the Boat

Underway, we sailed up the Bentinck Arm.  As we crossed the connection between the South and North Arm we were flooded with sunlight.  I went up to the crows nest and took a look around.  The sunset light lit up the milky glacier fed water and I loved the view.

Crows Nest View Up North Bentinck ArmMy Feet from the Crows Nest

The sun was setting on the day and on our trip.  It was nice light so I snapped a shot of our European guests - Charles, Jenny and Jaques.


Curve of Time Driving By
Tags: boat, coast, reflection
Fox Sparrow On Skid Mat
Species: Passerella iliaca (Fox Sparrow)
Tags: bird
Swimming Back to the Boat
Log Boom in Larso Bay
Tags: coast, logging
Harbour Porpoises in Bentinck Arm
Species: Phocoena phocoena (Harbor Porpoise)
Tags: whale
Dog Fish Being Photographed
Species: Squalus acanthias (spiny dogfish)
Tags: fish, fishing
Harbour Porpoises in Bentinck Arm
Species: Phocoena phocoena (Harbor Porpoise)
Tags: whale
Curve of Time Driving By
Location: Go To...
Tags: reflection
Curve of Time with Bentinck Spire
Tags: coast, reflection
Little Brown Jobby (Fox Sparrow)
Species: Passerella iliaca (Fox Sparrow)
Tags: bird, shallow depth of field
Tallheo Hot Spring from Water
Tags: boat
Crows Nest View Up North Bentinck Arm
Tags: boat, sunset
Tallheo Hot Springs
Tags: hot spring
Curve of Time
Tags: boat, coast
My Feet from the Crows Nest
Tags: boat(4), coast(4), reflection(3), whale(2), bird(2), Do Not Tag(2)
From: John Harvey Photo > Mid Coast of BC on the Curve of Time > Cascade Inlet to Eucott Hot Springs
From: John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Mid Coast of BC on the Curve of Time > Cascade Inlet to Eucott Hot Springs

I lived in Namu in the arly nineties. I spent 6 years prior to that in Bella Coola and later on 6 months in Bella Bella, the reserve side. I have not been to Namu in almost twenty years and I long for a way to get back as it is a part of my soul that I cannot shake. Your pictures of Namu are the first I'd seen of the decay, thank you. I still must make it there somehow, but the shots explain a lot.
heather mcneely
Sunday, November 11th, 2007 at 23:09:04

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Last Modified Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 23:39:06 Edit
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