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John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Kauai, Hawaii > Flowers at Kauai, Hawaii > Flowers


In Smith's Paradise.  Mmmm, yellow

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Kauai, Hawaii > Flowers at Kauai, Hawaii > Flowers


In Smith's Paradise.  I have no idea what the name of the plant is,
but it looks a lot like a weed that grows in BC.

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Kauai, Hawaii > Flowers at Kauai, Hawaii > Flowers


In Smith's Paradise. I believe this is some variety of Hibiscus like this one. They made hedges out of this plant which had flowers blooming all over them.

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Kauai, Hawaii > Flowers at Kauai, Hawaii > Flowers


In Smith's Paradise.  I have no idea what the name of the plant is.
I did see some of these growing in the wild.  (They were too windy to photograph)

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Kauai, Hawaii > Flowers at Kauai, Hawaii > Flowers


In Smith's Paradise.  I have no idea what the name of the plant is.

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Kauai, Hawaii > Flowers at Kauai, Hawaii > Flowers


In Smith's Paradise. It's not a powerful shot, but this is
one of my favorite flower pictures. I believe it's Frangipani but I'm far from sure.

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Kauai, Hawaii > Flowers at Kauai, Hawaii > Flowers


In Smith's Paradise.  This is called puff ball or something.  The sign
claimed it could be used as blush, but I didn't see people
trying it.

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Kauai, Hawaii > Flowers at Kauai, Hawaii > Flowers


In Smith's Paradise.  I have no idea what the name of the plant is.
The red leaves were similar to a point setta - they aren't pettals.

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Kauai, Hawaii > Flowers at Kauai, Hawaii > Flowers