March 2012
Hard time at the Playground and Eric and Gabi's House Warming

Being a
little less than two is a tricky age. Playgrounds are
obviously awesome, but you are old enough to know you can't do
everything but not big enough to actually make it work. In the
last few weeks Nara has mastered the step to the second level of the
playground which has opened up the taller slides.
The cargo net is proving harder. The holes are quite far apart
for a two year old, even though the net starts right at ground
level. About half of the attempts up end in disaster, but the
few successes justify the effort. It's tough to photograph and
rescue at the same time but Nara is getting good enough that rescues
are much rarer.
I'm glad she hasn't yet found the fireman's pole for getting down -
that is going to be a rough few weeks.

My cousin Jessica had a
Baby in January we hadn't yet had a chance to visit. We
finally got a chance to fix that. Lexi-May is now two plus
months old and Mom and Dad are looking surprisingly awake given the
lifestyle. Nara really like the ride on frog.
Eric and Gabi's House Warming
Quick - go to a party. Bring your old camera with low ISO
settings, without a flash to a not so bright room. Add in
rapidly moving children. Now expect to take a decent photo of
every one of the children. Fail.

Eric and Gabi
kindly organized a combination House Warming/Baby Shower/Brunch for
a busy Saturday morning. Amazingly, most of the families were
free and light on illness so for the first time we brought most of
our children together. (That task will be made harder soon -
Sean and Catherine's first child is due at the end of March and
Brendon and Ashley have left the country). Getting all of the
children together in one room was a lot of fun to see.
As a parent it is tricky to try and parent and talk intelligently at
the same time. You get brief windows when the children either
self entertain or your spouse takes over, but the remained of the
time makes you look like an idiot to your childless friends.
The kids of course have a great time.
Huge thanks to Gabi and Eric for putting on such a great
event. They really set the bar terribly high.
Tags: playground(4), slide(1)
People: Nara(5), Lexi May(3), Loren(3), Abby(2), Noelle(2), Jesse(1)
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > March 2012
Last Modified Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 23:50:10 Edit
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