John Harvey Photo

March 2017

Go to Slide Show Smaller Images Most of the Month was spent out of the country.


Hands On Bar Feet Up
Nara really likes her Gymnastics class.  The last class of every session has a 10 minute window for photos and a brief awards presentation at the end.  She showed off some of her skills and then was surprised to be promoted to the next level in her stream of classes.  Nara spends a lot of time on the playground so her strength to weight ratio is pretty good.  If you feel her hands, she has calluses where she holds onto monkey bars.  I understand why she has a good time in the gym.

Nara Balancing On BarNara With Achievement

The next day, we flew to Hong Kong and a week later, to Japan.

Nara Balancing On Bar
Person: Nara
Tags: gymnastics
Nara With Achievement
Person: Nara
Hands On Bar Feet Up
Tags: gymnastics
Tags: gymnastics(2)
People: Nara(2)

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Last Modified Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 23:59:07 Edit
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