December 2019
Waiting for the big guy to come
Santa Claus Parade
This is our first time going to the Santa Clause Parade! We
did our standard Parade trick - show up an hour early and make
sure you have a lot of clothes on to keep you warm. The
parade goes through downtown and make a real mess of traffic, but
the buses were mostly unaffected so getting in (and later out) was
pretty easy.
We took our piece of curb and waited. The first to go by was
the police motorcycles and they went pretty close to edge to edge
of the road. If that didn't get you excited, the pipe bands
also helped wake you up!

The Chinatown parade has a lot of spectacle (dancing lions,
dragons), but the Santa Clause parade had some very large
performance - more than a hundred kids dancing together.
The floats were generally pretty far apart so there was lots of
pause between displays. It was cold enough that a float had a
snow maker that actually dropped snowflakes on us.
There was only one Santa in the parade and he was up high on a float
that moved fast - the kids barely got to see him before he was
gone. I think the kids enjoyed their time watching the parade.
The kids had a thought that their hair could
grow down to their bums. Sure, their hair needs to be blow
dried and brushed after a bath, but the kids don't see that as a
The kids enjoy their gymnastics
classes. Every term they have a brief open house where the
kids can show their parents what they can do.

Winter Solstice Lantern Festival
Vancouver has had a winter solstice lantern
festival for years and I have never been! There are multiple
locations - Granville Island, Roundhouse and Strathcona. We
had dinner plans already so we arrived just after the lantern walk
had already left the community center.

We walked over to David Lam park
and saw the lanterns and musicians playing. The put drums went
on for maybe half an hour in the park.
After the time in the park, the muscians got mobile and started to
lead us on a walk back toward the community center. The parade
route did a big circle, but we took a shortcut back so we could beat
the procession back to the community center.
The community center had a lot going on as well. They had an
inside lantern display and the main performance space had an african
musican group playing. It's tough to leave when the party is
really getting going, but you can't keep kids up too late or you pay
for it the next morning.

Tags: lantern(3), gymnastics(3), performance(2), Vancouver(2), night(2), haircut(2)
People: Claira(7), Nara(6)
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > December 2019
Last Modified Sunday, January 22nd, 2023 at 00:06:15 Edit
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