I guess now I'm an Uncle
Day 421 (1 year, 1 month and 25 days), Nara Visits the Williams

Grandma and Diana have come out to our house a few
times so we decided to return the favour and visit the Williams.
The timing is a bit of trick (we wanted to leave just after a feed but
not too early in the day) and we couldn't stay too late (there is only
some much consumables you can bring). Nara was good on the drive
over - sleeping in her chair.

Marcus gets more independent by the day. He's
walking without assistance and eating mostly without aid. He can
play on his own for periods of time and interacts well with
adults. Nice kid!
Day 264 (8 months + 19 days), Pre Christmas at the Grandparents
My mother frequently has a
christmas christmas party and this year was no exception. This
Marcus's first big gathering of people and he did well making lots of
new friends

Day 194 (6 months + 10 days), A Walk at Crescent Beach

My parents breezed through town on their way
to their
adventures in the interior. They had enough time to take us
out to breakfast so we made it a family get together. After
breakfast (Thanks Dad!) the parents hit the road and the rest of us
went to Crescent Beach to take a few photos.

Parents get really excited when their kids can
smile. The problem is recording that smile on "film". Turns
out there is a trick - break out the keys! For the most part
shiny jingling keys would attract attention. Mix in a bit of
rising and falling and you have a smiling attentive kid. For
about 30 seconds.
I don't think it will be that much
longer before Marcus is ordering his own breakfast.
Day 152, A Walk at Gary Point
Love those sunny summer days! We went for a
sunny Sunday afternoon walk
down in Steveston near the cannery.
Given that it is such a sunny day and you don't want to use sun screen
on a baby, we were looking for shade.
Day 139, Dinner Out
It's summer holidays so it's a little easier to
get the family out for
a dinner.

All you can Korean BBQ you say? Who doesn't love that!
Marcus was really nice and slept through most of dinner so his parents
could eat in peace. After we were done he woke up to entertain us
and the people around us. He really is curious about what is going
on around him.
Afterwords we went for a little shopping on South Granville.
Day 75, Playing with the Mobile

Everything sold for babies has advanced a long
since I was a child. Take the mobile for instance. This
model has three music buttons - Beethoven, Bach and Mozart. The
three arms are offset at an angle so each end comes closer and the goes
further away. There are high contrast patterns as well as lots of
dangly thing. Given how much Marcus enjoys it, I suspect a lot of
research went into this device.

Speaking of advanced, Marcus has gained lots
of new
skills in the past few weeks. He has a gained a large repertoire
facial expressions. He now kicks his legs for fun. He
actively follows peoples faces with his eyes. Commiserate with
these new skills, he has also gained a huge cache of toys!
Baby expressions go by quick, so in what seems like only a moment you
can get an entire conversations worth of facial expression. Go
ahead, try and tell the story that goes with the four faces below:
His parents were showing off cool baby tricks. Look - we tire him
out with the mobile, and after a bit of fuss he goes to sleep! Of
course children learn fast so going to sleep turned into a 5 minute nap
and Marcus was back to play even more games. Babies do need their
sleep though so after complaining that I'm neither Mom or Dad, he
eventually settled back to sleep.
Thanks for the party!
Day 20: Easter Morning at the Williams Household
Easter is a special time for kids - chocolate,
egg hunts, the Easter
bunny. I don't think Marcus really knew much of what was going on, but
it was Easter!

Wake up, diaper change, feed, burp, it's all pretty regular by
now. Some kids enjoy the nude, others not so much. Marcus
isn't an enjoy the nude kind of kid.

After a feed, Marcus is playful. Mom and son play some games.
Being a growing boy, after some games it's time for another meal.
Of course eating so much is tiring so not much after Easter lunch, it's
time for another nap.
Happy Easter everyone!
Day 5: Hanging out at Home

Marcus and family are out of the hospital and
moved home. Mom is now sleep deprived because Marcus seems to
like sleeping during the day and playing all night. Helen and I
came over for lunch to say hi! Turns out even though Marcus has
had a three hour nap, he is quite hard to wake up.
A little cold air, a diaper change and some time on the boob and
eventually Marcus comes around.
Thanks for the visit!
Day 2: Taking a Bath

When we dropped by today Marcus and his
parents were
having a nice nap. After the parents had dinner, they had plans
for little Marcus - bath time!

Bathing a baby has a procedure.
First you wash
the face, using a moist towel. You move from the center
out. Then you wash the hair - first wet, then soap and finally a
rinse. At this point it was clear that Marcus is really going to
enjoy going the spa because he was having a great time.
Next the shock! The rest of the body is washed while supporting
his head out of the water. Marcus really didn't like this part -
his little lungs got a bit of a workout as he tried on various shades
of red. Mom and Dad were as quick as they reasonably could
be. Dried off and swaddled, getting your hair dried isn't
bad. In the end, I think it worked out.
Tags: Do Not Tag(25), bathing(3), mobile(1)
People: Marcus(55), Helen(2), John(1)
From: John Harvey Photo > Pictures of People > Marcus
Wow, what a cutie. I will have to get Great Grandma and pa down to see the pictures. Glad to hear the Williams clan is doing well. Congrats to you all. Hope Grandpa is doing well and I bet Grandma was there. All my love
Great Aunty Alison
PS is he going by Mark or Marcus. I was thinking MAP, his initials. Just to let you know Nathan is NAP for Nathan Albert Philip.
Great Aunty Alison
Monday, March 23rd, 2009 at 23:40:56
Welcome to the club. Congrats.
Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 at 01:02:58
Hey Diana,
You and Jeff make a great team. You mastered the bath. Hope your enjoying every minute. Great pictures Uncle John. Can't wait to see more. I took Nathan's lap top up to Grandmas and Grandpas. They had a look at his 1st pictures. I think grandma's comment was"oh, look how cute he is!". Can't wait to see you all in person.
Aunty (Great Aunty) Alison
Aunty Alison
Thursday, March 26th, 2009 at 05:28:38
What a gorgeous little guy! Since Marcus has such a pretty mommy and such a handsome daddy, I guess his good looks are not a coincidence! Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. I look forward to another cuddle with your sweet little boy! Congratulations!
Thursday, March 26th, 2009 at 20:11:14
Thanks for the awesome photos John! Not only are you a great photographer, you are a wonderful brother and husband! A huge thanks to you an Helen for all your care packages and feeding us so well! Helen-you are the best sister-in-law (and and awesome cook!) We really enjoyed our visit today and look forward to seeing you soon.
Love Diana, Jeff and little Marcus
Diana and Jeff
Saturday, March 28th, 2009 at 21:53:57
What great pictures you got!! Can't wait to meet the little guy. He's adorable!! Love, Tam
Tam Manery
Saturday, March 28th, 2009 at 22:51:02
We are Diana and Jeff's friends through prenatal class.....Wow! So cute, and we thought ours had lots of hair! but you win! I think you are winning on the weight gain too and ours has 2 weeks head start! So looking forwards to the babes meeting, our only little girl surrounded by the boys, they can be her protectors from day one!
Mike and Holly
Sunday, March 29th, 2009 at 08:12:34
We all couldn't be happier for the both of you Diana. Marcus looks incredible, I'm sure you couldn't be any happier.
We look forward to seeing you in the next coming months. Madison looks forward to seeing you again for her weekly lesson. Until then, take care.
Diane, Bruce, Sam and Madison
Monday, March 30th, 2009 at 12:47:14
I am thankful to Brenda for sharing your website address with me. And I was excited to see these pics! Marcus is a beauty, and the two of you are looking pretty fine. How lucky the three of you are! cheers.
Patti Jackson
Tuesday, March 31st, 2009 at 10:01:30
Congratulations, Diana and Jeff! Welcome to our wonderful world, Marcus! You are adorable, that is for sure! What a beautiful little story this was, complete with fantastic pictures! Thank you so much for sharing. It looks like you are all having a very busy time together...busy, but oh SO SPECIAL! Enjoy all these wonderful days because we know how fast little Marcus will grow up! With my love, and best wishes! - Joanne
Joanne Melvin
Tuesday, March 31st, 2009 at 10:45:33
He's great!!! Thanks so much for sharing the fantastic photos! We miss you, Diana!
Laurie Nociar
Tuesday, March 31st, 2009 at 16:19:54
What an expressive little man you have.
Can't wait to meet him. Until then we are really enjoying the pictures.
Lorrie Felbel
Tuesday, March 31st, 2009 at 20:55:27
You three look absolutely wonderful together. It is so neat to see the changes in Marcus already. Keep smiling. Can't wait for more updates. Luv ya :)
Thursday, April 2nd, 2009 at 11:12:05
Congrats Jeff and Diana, what good looking little guy. Love Mum and Dad
John's Mum
Sunday, April 5th, 2009 at 13:37:18
lovely baby. Hope to see him soon
Sunday, April 12th, 2009 at 13:28:40
Thanks, John(remember me?) Diana and Jeff, for letting us into your new world as first time uncle and first time parents. What wonderful pictures and journalling !!!!!! Of course, the subject matter is what makes it so news-worthy !!!!!!!!
You all look great and looking forward to some photos of "grandma and grandpa and relatives". Looking at the pictures, we can truly say once again, that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made".
Enjoy this addition to the family and by the looks of things, you have a good recipe !!!! Don't throw away the blueprint. It is good for mannnnnnnnny duplicates, all of which will be not exact duplicates, but a reasonable facsimile.
From Manitoba, Anne, for the Friesen's
Mrs. Friesen
Thursday, May 7th, 2009 at 07:50:23
Hi Jeff, Diana and baby Marcus
Wow!!!!You did it. What a lovely baby you made. We are so happy for you and wish you good health and happiness. Enjoy!! Children grow up too fast.
Take care
Katja, Aaron, Jonah and Astara
The Waldman Family
Friday, May 22nd, 2009 at 07:32:32
What lovely pictures of your beautiful little boy.
Lister & Janet in Australia
Lister &Janet
Friday, May 29th, 2009 at 03:09:26
The photos are just great! He is so handsome and the perfect little "Boy next door" for Ocean Ha!
Renee, Ryan & Ocean
Saturday, June 13th, 2009 at 11:07:32
Hey Mrs.Williams just wanted to know how you are doing everybody who was in your class last year REALLY REALLY REALLY MISSES YOU!! i think i miss you more hahaha
Forever and always
colette jacobsen
Friday, June 19th, 2009 at 21:44:04
wow! i was just browsing, and i was so amazed how beautifully the pictures were taken.
Good job John! Keep it up!
Sunday, May 9th, 2010 at 06:16:37
Last Modified Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 23:48:04 Edit
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