John Harvey Photo

Second Chief

Go to Slide Show Smaller Images A nice morning walk

Climbing the Chief is almost a Vancouver requirement - you aren't an outdoor type if you don't have some story to tell about climbing it.  There is actually three different peaks - I climbed the first peak years ago so today (with a bit of arm twisting) we chose to go up the second.
Climbing Around Stairs
Yes, it's a stair climb.  Get over it.  This whole area has been logged perhaps 100 years ago so the regrowth is large and strong.  Much of the trail is in shade so even on a warm day in Vancouver, it may be cool in the trees.  As you ascent, the rock dominates the environment.

Jesse On LadderClimbing Up Crack
The biggest concern people have with climbing the chief seems to be the few steep parts just as you get to the rock faces at the top.  The route is very well secured and the chains are often there just for safety and extreme environments.  I wouldn't want to be up here in an ice rain storm, but even a moist day would be safe as long as you go slowly and don't fool around.
Jin Climbing Along Wall
View Toward Diamond Head
Yes, the views are amazing. The first time I walked up I saw a plane fly by at eye height and wave it's wings when we waved at it.  Today was beautiful with mostly blue sky above us and snow on many of the local peaks.

View South

Pretty much all of Squamish is laid out at your feet and you can see Woodfibre Mill across Howe Sound from Britannia Beach.  There is still a lot of logging based industry here but the loading wharfs looked pretty empty from up here.
View From Second Chief
Looking over to first peak you could see the crowd building.  Second peak was busy as well, but there was enough space we could find our own outcropping without having to intrude on the view of other groups.  Looking East, Diamond Head loomed on the horizon - perhaps inspiration for a longer summer hike.

People On First ChiefJin Jesse And Diamond Head

Thanks for organizing Jin!

View From Second Chief
Location: Go To...
Tags: summit
Jin Climbing Along Wall
Person: Jin
Tags: hiking, rock
View Toward Diamond Head
Tags: mountain, vista
Jesse On Ladder
Person: Jesse, Jin
View South
Tags: mountain, summit
People On First Chief
Tags: hiking, summit
Jin Jesse And Diamond Head
Tags: summit
Climbing Around Stairs
Person: Andrea, Jesse, Jin
Tags: forest, hiking
Climbing Up Crack
Tags: hiking, rock
Tags: hiking(4), summit(4), rock(2), mountain(2), forest(1), Do Not Tag(1)
People: Jin(3), Jesse(2), Andrea(1)
From: John Harvey Photo > Second Chief
From: John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Second Chief

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Last Modified Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 23:41:47 Edit
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