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about map data... Centered at 105 44' 42'', 10 00' 16'',
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Helen In The Bow Shaky Sunset Boating Coming Up To Turtle Island Crocodile Coming Out Community Threshing View Towards Chau Doc Pushing Tourists Down Channel Over The Shoulder Vendor
View Towards Chau Doc The flooded part is Cambodia. The unflooded part is Vietnam. That allows them an extra rice harvest a year.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Vietnam > Mekong Delta > View Towards Chau Doc

Feeding Bags Feeding Bags
Tags: farm
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Vietnam > Mekong Delta > Feeding Bags

Feeding Thresher Feeding Thresher
Tags: farm, Vietnam
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Vietnam > Mekong Delta > Feeding Thresher

Community Threshing Community Threshing
Tags: farm, Vietnam
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Vietnam > Mekong Delta > Community Threshing

Roulette Like Game Roulette Like Game
Tags: game, Vietnam
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Vietnam > Mekong Delta > Roulette Like Game

Shaky Sunset Boating This image was taken 5 times longer than it should have been to be motion blur free.
John Harvey Photo > Learn Photography > Learn Giving Up > Shaky Sunset Boating

Crocodile Coming Out Crocodile Coming Out
Tags: farm, Vietnam
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Vietnam > Mekong Delta > Crocodile Coming Out

Coming Up To Turtle Island In the cold Canadian winters, sometimes it is nice to think of the tropics.
Tags: boat, Vietnam
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Vietnam > Pho Quoc > Coming Up To Turtle Island

Taxing Across Channel Taxing Across Channel
Tags: boat, Vietnam
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Vietnam > Mekong Delta > Taxing Across Channel

Church In Cai Be Cathedrals were quite common because the catholics did a really good job converting the population.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Vietnam > Mekong Delta > Church In Cai Be