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about map data... Centered at -124 47' 53'', 50 16' 12'',
Map Width: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
556m per pixel
278m per pixel
139m per pixel
69m per pixel
34m per pixel
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Arbutus Growing In Gorge Waterfall From Crows Nest Refuge Cove Store Face Gulls Taking Flight Helen Opening Oyster Clouds Parting Over Glassy Water
Clouds Parting Over Glassy Water Clouds Parting Over Glassy Water
Tags: kayaking
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Desolation Sound > Clouds Parting Over Glassy Water

Helen Opening Oyster Helen Opening Oyster
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Desolation Sound > Helen Opening Oyster

Refuge Cove Store Refuge Cove Store
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Desolation Sound > Refuge Cove Store

Waterfall From Crows Nest Waterfall From Crows Nest
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Desolation Sound > Waterfall From Crows Nest

Two Tiger Lilies Two Tiger Lilies
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Desolation Sound > Two Tiger Lilies

Two Gulls On Floats The grey headed bird is probably an immature Glaucous-Winged gull. The smaller is the mew gull.
Tags: BC fauna, bird
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Desolation Sound > Two Gulls On Floats

Gulls Taking Flight The larger bird (taking off) is a glaucous-winged gull. The smaller bird is a mew gull.
Tags: BC fauna, bird
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Desolation Sound > Gulls Taking Flight

Gulls On Oyster Farm Floats These are all Mew Gulls (short bill, yellow legs, smaller bird).
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Desolation Sound > Gulls On Oyster Farm Floats

More Abstract More Abstract
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Desolation Sound > More Abstract

Face Face
John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Desolation Sound > Face