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Patch Of Ginger Bee On Stonecrop Cultus Lake Saturday Market
Wall Of Lupine Wall Of Lupine
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Elk Thurston > Wall Of Lupine

Wild Strawberry Strawberry was quite common on this trip, but we never found a ripe one. Even though the commercial berry season is over, the alpine season has yet to begin.
Tags: fruit
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Elk Thurston > Wild Strawberry

Columbia Lily From Below I don't do enough flower photos where you can see blue behind.
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Elk Thurston > Columbia Lily From Below

View Point View Point
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Elk Thurston > View Point

Red Columbine This is pretty flower no matter where you find it - beach side, road side or alpine.
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Elk Thurston > Red Columbine

Phlox Phlox
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Elk Thurston > Phlox

Bee On Stonecrop I like the bright yellow flowers on Stonecrops.
Tags: flower, insect
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Elk Thurston > Bee On Stonecrop

Patch Of Ginger Ginger is interesting because the flowers are below the level of leaves. This is the first time I've been able to identify it in the field. I learned what this plant looked like from an ornamental variety at a nursery.
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Elk Thurston > Patch Of Ginger

Selling Plastic Junk Selling Plastic Junk
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Camping > Cultus Lake > Selling Plastic Junk

Jars Of Preserves Jars Of Preserves
Tags: bloom
John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Camping > Cultus Lake > Jars Of Preserves