Elfin Lakes
One of the Vancouver Area Greats

I actually have no
idea why I haven't done this hike
earlier. It's relatively quick to get to (Drive to Squamish and
then up a well maintained logging road - perhaps and hour) and the
views are splendid. It is a bit long - it's 22km and it took us
at least 6 hours. But perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself.
It was some Saturday late in the summer and I wanted to do something
more substantial and I needed hiking mates. Catherine and Sean
were over at David's and Catherine mentioned she had hiked this route
and wanted to again. Sean and Catherine had plans late on Sunday
evening so we went early (I believe we arrived on the trail head at 9am
- and the parking lot was already mostly filled.
The hike up is well worn and you have no chance of getting lost unless
you are a complete idiot. It's a bikeable route (we got passed by
a few on the way up) but some section would be awfully bumpy without
good shocks. As you get further and further out of the forest,
the views get better and better.
We actually saw a bear on the trip - the first time I've seen one in
all of my hikes. I didn't stop to take photos (and felt like an
idiot afterwords) but it was probably the safer thing to do. This
is bear country (one of the camp sites is being decommissioned because
of bears living near by) so be careful about how you pack your lunch
and try to avoid the smoked salmon.
Tags: plant(6), fruit(6), mountain(3), alpine(2), lake(2), flower(1)
People: David(1)
From: John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Elfin Lakes
From: John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Elfin Lakes Digital > Elfin Lakes
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > Elfin Lakes Digital > Elfin Lakes
From: John Harvey Photo > Elfin Lakes Digital > Elfin Lakes
Those berry species are edible?
Sunday, January 18th, 2009 at 14:02:04
Last Modified Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 23:42:08 Edit
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