One of the most scenic views in Japan

floating arch O-torii is one of the most famous symbols of Japan.
This particular gate was built in 1875, but it's the seventeenth gate
that's been built. The gate is supposed to indicate that the
island is a shinto holy place.

Japanese tourist destinations seem to have recurring
themes - saying "I visted that place with the tame dear and the gondola
to the top of the mountain" doesn't actualy describes several places in
Japan. The deer are cool (and better behaved than what I remember
of the Deer in Nara), but we weren't swarmed with school kids so perhaps
the deer weren't in feeding frenzy mode.
From the top of the mountain we could see the surround islands and with
better weather, this would be an amazing view. We walked up to the
mountain top (the path was paved the entire length!) and then walked
down the mountain. Thankfully the Gondola fee is split so we had a
reason to destroy our knees.
Daisho-in is the largest temple on Miyajima island and belongs to the
Shingon sect of Buddhism. Near the bottom of our hike we entered
the complex and continued through the complex until we got to the
village proper.

My favorite part of the complex was the "universally illuminating cave"
- a room with hundreds on lanterns and small Buddahs covered with
messages from well wishers.
By about 3pm we were done with Miyajima - the tide was out so the torii
was on mud and the tourist numbers were high. We took the ferry back to
the mainland and split up - David and Sean went back to the hotel in
Hiroshima and Andrea, Mark and I took the train the other way.
Kintai-kyo Bridge
Kintai-kyo bridge is in the small town Iwakuni, about a 20 minute train
ride south of the Miyajima ferry terminal. The light was fading
fast when we arrived in Iwakuni so we took a taxi. After walking
across the bridge and back we took a bus to the Iwakuni shinkansen
station and used the power of the JR rail pass - just hop on the next
train going our way. The Shinkansen reversed in 20 minutes what
was nearly an hour of local train rides.
Tags: Japan(17), statue(3), deer(3), place of worship(3), torii(3), lantern(2)
People: Andrea(2), Mark(2), David(1), Sean(1)
From: John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > A Second Trip to Japan > Miyajima
Last Modified Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 23:40:44 Edit
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