Learn To Photograph Markets

Some of my favorite things
When I travel, one of my favorite destinations
is a
good market. Markets combine a number of different skills - part
architectural photography, sometimes portrait photography, often food
photography. Trying to learn how to do better, I'm sumarizing
what I know:
the Icons:

Many markets have icon's - signs, locations or
objects that sumarizes
the location. Getting a top quality picture of that is often up
to timing - being there when the sun is setting or (sorry)
rising. Getting your own take on a commonly photographed icon is
often challenging, but it really helps set a collection of photos.
of Markets
Light is a great way to highlight a product -
show off the freshness,
shinnyness or detail. Many markets have strong point lights to
show off product and you can use that lighting to your advantag if you
see it. With the higher contrast comes exposure problems, but I'm
sure you can sort that out.

Presentation of Food:
Perhaps one of the reasons I like Markets so
much is that so much of
the work is done for you. The people selling product are trying
to encourage people to buy and they do so by presenting the product in
it's best possible light. It's up to you to capture that
of Food:
One of the draws for the consumer is wide
selection of products. Exploring a market you will see things
that are rare or in better than normal supply. Sometimes putting
all of the options in one frame will give your viewer a sense of the
scale of supply available.

in the Markets:
People in Markets are generally used to people
being around and may not
mind you taking photos of them. That said, it's worth asking
before you take the photo.

about the Space:
And with some markets, the space alone is
deserving in a photo essay. A building is so much more than the
material that make it up - the details of how it is used and the people
that inhabit the space make up much of the feelings about the
space. If you can combine the market and the building, you can
put both in better context.

Tags: market(18), produce(7), Japan(5), India(5), Seattle(3), high contrast(3)
From: John Harvey Photo > Learn Photography > Learn To Photograph Markets
wow your pictures are very amazing! you have inspired me, thanks so much! i will try to use your techniches in the future
Wednesday, June 6th, 2007 at 14:07:14
Hi , I am a bigginer, I got all those thing which i wanted to know..
Great stuff.
Siddharth Kapoor
Sunday, May 3rd, 2009 at 10:04:38
thank you for sharing your knowlege
i am just beginning to think of the basics of composition to make films and wanted to go to photography to help me think in pictures. i will use this site as a crib until i master the ideas
Wednesday, May 13th, 2009 at 05:20:06
hi there...
The tips you ve offered are easy to comprehend and follow... most of the times its the technical jargon which keeps me from understanding... having had no instruction in photography, i often look for tips where ever i can find them...
i have not come across such simple instruction as you have shared... :)
and i sure as hell agree with you about trying to shoot trees... had recently visited forests and hill regions of the Himalayas, and as enraptured as i was by the trees around, i could do absolutely no justice when it came to framing them...will try again!
Thank you for sharing...
By the way your honesty is refreshing...
cheers n thanks again
Thursday, May 14th, 2009 at 14:17:33
Wow !!! thanks for your simple and honest framing tips .As i have just started on this ...it was really fruitful... i want to be in this site till i become a success. thanks for helping an amateur person like us to do good. thanks once again.
Monday, November 9th, 2009 at 01:38:22
The pictures from "The Presentation of Food" are my absolute favorite out of anything else (as a collection) on your website.
Thanks for posting!
Saturday, January 23rd, 2010 at 18:30:26
Hi , I am doing a school project on photography . I have gotten a lot of information on your website (: Thank you soo much for putting all of this wonderful information on here (: And one more thing your pictures are wonderful . (: One day I'm gonna be taking those kind of wonderful pictures ! (: Now I know how I'm gonna start ! (: As soon as I get home I'm gonna take pictures (:
Bethany (:
Friday, October 21st, 2011 at 06:35:27
Last Modified Tuesday, June 9th, 2009 at 01:08:36 Edit
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