John Harvey Photo

May 2008

Go to Slide Show Smaller Images A weekend in Victoria

Moss Street Market

Seedlings For Sale
It was Mothers day weekend and Helen and I weren't crazy busy so we decided to go over to the island to see the folks and wish my Mom (and Grandmother) a happy Mothers Day.  On Saturday we had some time so we decided to go downtown to see the Abkhazie Garden.  Unknown to me, the Moss Street Market was just  down the street.

Canned Goods

The market was mostly goods with little food (prepared or otherwise).  I'm not so keen on taking photos of other people's artistic works so I don't take a lot of "here are the earrings" photos. 

Moss St MarketBasket Of PeppersMini Donut Machines

The market was pretty busy.  It gives me confidence in the long term viability of "farmers markets" in the city.

  Abkhazi Garden 

Dark Pond With Tree
I heard about the Abkhazi Garden years ago when the Land Conservancy was getting big in the Island area.  The garden is set on an oversized city lot and the original home is converted to a small cafe and gift shop.  The plants are very mature and you don't get the "this bed just came out of the greenhouse" feel.  There were lots of plants I hadn't seen before and the small spaces were well used.  A large part of the lot is dominated by bedrock that rises out of the earth and I was especially impressed with the small ponds they have built onto the rocks.

Japanese MapleMaroon Ringed LeavesTrilliumWhite Flowers With Fern
Rock Garden In Front Of HouseTwo Pools With ReflectionLight Violet Flowers

One of my favorite parts of Van Dusen Gardens is the variety of foot paths - from wheel chair accessible paved, or well trod gravel, to barely more than disturbed grass.  If anything, I find Abkhazi too prescribed, but that is probably the reality of having such a well visited garden on comparatively small land.
Mount Douglas Park
Red Breasted Merganser On Rock
Never one to let a good day go to waste, after lunch we drove up to the local park for a bit of a walk around.    This park goes from Ocean front to almost alpine, all in the city. 

Red Breasted Merganser

Stone In Foreground
Every time I visit the summit, I'm impressed by the Oak Trees on the top of the mountain.  I have yet to take a compelling photo of them, but that doesn't mean I should stop trying.

Trees On Hillside

Camas FlowerPurple Dead Nettle

Victoria Chinatown

Selling Pendants
My grandparents had now joined us so we were looking for a short walk around town.  I wanted to poke around China town.  We drove by looking for a place to park and noticed another market!  Turns out Sunday morning they close part of Government street

Sunday Government Street Market

Victoria China Town Gate
We poked around China town a bit.  I was surprised how small Chinatown in Victoria is.  There are some cool alleys to look around and I was especially impressed with the 1/2 addresses.  Redevelopment is starting to hit this neighborhood so I wonder what this place will be like in 20 more years.

1710 And AHalf23 And A HalfThinner Alley
  And that's a short mothers day weekend in Victoria!

Light Violet Flowers
Tags: flower, macro
1710 And AHalf
Tags: door
Red Breasted Merganser On Rock
Species: Mergus serrator (Red-breasted Merganser)
Tags: beach, bird
Moss St Market
Altitude: 13m (42 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: market, sign, Victoria
Seedlings For Sale
Altitude: 14m (45 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: market
Canned Goods
Altitude: 13m (42 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: canned, market, produce
Mini Donut Machines
Altitude: 12m (39 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: donut, market
Victoria China Town Gate
Altitude: 18m (59 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: gate, Victoria
Japanese Maple
Altitude: 29m (95 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: plant
Trees On Hillside
Altitude: 198m (649 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: HDR, tree
Maroon Ringed Leaves
Altitude: 29m (95 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: garden, plant
23 And A Half
Tags: door, Victoria
Basket Of Peppers
Altitude: 21m (68 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: market, peppers, produce
Dark Pond With Tree
Tags: garden, pond
Stone In Foreground
Altitude: 195m (639 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: HDR, rock, tree
Tags: garden, plant
Purple Dead Nettle
Species: Lamium purpureum (purple deadnettle)
Tags: flower
Rock Garden In Front Of House
Altitude: 28m (91 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: garden
Camas Flower
Species: Camassia quamash (common camas)
Tags: flower, macro
Two Pools With Reflection
Tags: garden, pond
White Flowers With Fern
Tags: garden, plant
Selling Pendants
Altitude: 19m (62 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: market
Sunday Government Street Market
Altitude: 19m (62 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: market
Thinner Alley
Tags: alley, Victoria
Red Breasted Merganser
Species: Mergus serrator (Red-breasted Merganser)
Tags: bird
Tags: market(7), garden(6), Victoria(4), plant(4), flower(3), produce(2)
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > May 2008

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Last Modified Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 23:46:19 Edit
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