John Harvey Photo

May 2018

Go to Slide Show Smaller Images And some clever quip...

Birding Walk at QE Park

Nature Vancouver's last birding night before the summer is usually a walk in QE Park.  They have had some great evenings, and some rainy evenings.   This year was pretty quiet - it had been good weather so anything migrating had already left.  One of the residents of the park is a barred owl - it was spotted earlier in the day and it was hanging out where it usually does (with a bunch of crows yelling about it).

Barred Owl Near MateBarred Owl Near Nesting Cavity
About 20 people were watching this bird when a bunch of hollering happened - I thought someone was trying to emulate the the "who hoots for you".  Turns out it was actually a mate and they had a nest high up in a maple tree.  The two interacted - visiting the nest and making faces at each other. 

Barred Owl On Big Leaf Maple Limb

Courtenay For May Long Weekend

My grandmother passed away in January.  My grandfather has seen his life change quite a bit - he is now living in an assisted living facility which he really likes and he is making new friends.  It was time for us to visit.

Bridge Over Old Penstocks
After our first visit in the morning, my Mom suggested we do a hike at Elk Falls up in Campbell river.    BC Hydro is in the middle of a massive modernization project (those wooden penstocks are at the end of their design life) and they kindly put in a new parking lot and more direct walking route.

Since my last visit, they have built some very nice (but not dog friendly) viewing platforms so you can see the waterfalls.

Claira And Elk FallsWalking To Viewing Platform  Viewing Platform Over Falls

They have also built a suspension bridge so you can get to the other side of the canyon.

Suspension Bridge At Elk FallsWaterfall Pouring Into CanyonElk Falls At Full FlowTop Of The Suspension Bridge

We did see some interesting plants.  Coralroot (a kind of orchid) was somewhat common.  This plant doesn't have green leaves of it's own - it uses a kind of fungus to grow it's food underground.  The second odd plant we saw was a Vancouver Groundcone - a parasite to salal.  I really enjoyed seeing these somewhat odd plants.

Three Pacific CoralrootVancouver Groundcone 

Dinner Out
Two young grandchildren make for intense visits.  My grandfather prefers to stay in for meals - they are provided and it's hard to spend money on something when the alternative is free - my Mom didn't think he would go out.  Turns out they don't serve fish and chips.  We went to Avenue bistro because we enjoy the service and food and they seem to be able to serve basically any constraint - salt free, vegetarian or gluten free.  My grandfather really enjoyed his fish and chips.  Claira gave him a demo of minecraft.

The next morning we took the kids to the airpark for a bike ride to get some energy burned off.   The kids really enjoy the playground, bu the nearly flat bike route is a hit too.

Nara Riding BikeGetting Together For WalkClaira In ClimberClaira On Disk Swing

My parents brought over my grandfather and we went for a walk around the air park.   My grandfather has rolled this route several times so I hope repeating a previous experience is a good thing.  We stopped in at the cafe and had a tea.
Walking Around Air ParkBench At Air Park
We had one last visit before we took the ferry back home.

Laughing At GameplayPlaying Snakes And Ladders

The kids had their travel version of slides and ladders and my grandfather was quite keen on following the game.  The kids played and my grandfather had a good time.

Kids And Great Grandpa

Waterfall Pouring Into Canyon
Altitude: 115m (377 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Elk Falls Park
Vancouver Groundcone
Species: Kopsiopsis hookeri (Vancouver groundcone, Small Ground-Cone)
Altitude: 141m (462 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Elk Falls Park
Elk Falls At Full Flow
Altitude: 114m (374 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Elk Falls Park, waterfall
Getting Together For Walk
Tags: Courtenay Riverway Heritage Walk
Nara Riding Bike
Person: Nara
Tags: biking, Courtenay Riverway Heritage Walk
Playing Snakes And Ladders
Person: Philip
Tags: game
Viewing Platform Over Falls
Altitude: 129m (423 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Elk Falls Park
Claira In Climber
Altitude: 8m (26 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Courtenay Riverway Heritage Walk
Three Pacific Coralroot
Species: Corallorhiza mertensiana (Pacific coralroot)
Altitude: 151m (495 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Elk Falls Park
Laughing At Gameplay
Person: Philip
Tags: game
Bench At Air Park
Person: Claira, Helen, Janet, John, Lloyd, Nara, Philip
Altitude: 1m (3 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: bench, Courtenay Riverway Heritage Walk
Walking Around Air Park
Location: Go To...
Tags: Courtenay Riverway Heritage Walk
Barred Owl Near Nesting Cavity
Species: Strix varia (Barred Owl)
Tags: bird, Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver
Barred Owl On Big Leaf Maple Limb
Species: Strix varia (Barred Owl)
Tags: bird, Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver
Dinner Out
Person: Claira, Helen, Janet, John, Lloyd, Philip, Nara
Claira And Elk Falls
Altitude: 114m (374 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Elk Falls Park, waterfall
Bridge Over Old Penstocks
Altitude: 140m (459 feet)
Location: Go To...
Claira On Disk Swing
Person: Claira
Altitude: 7m (22 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Courtenay Riverway Heritage Walk, swing
Barred Owl Near Mate
Species: Strix varia (Barred Owl)
Tags: Queen Elizabeth Park
Suspension Bridge At Elk Falls
Tags: bridge, Elk Falls Park
Kids And Great Grandpa
Person: Claira, Nara, Philip
Walking To Viewing Platform
Altitude: 129m (423 feet)
Location: Go To...
Top Of The Suspension Bridge
Person: Claira, Helen, Janet, Lloyd, Nara
Altitude: 108m (354 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: bridge, Elk Falls Park
Tags: Elk Falls Park(8), Courtenay Riverway Heritage Walk(6), Queen Elizabeth Park(3), bird(2), Vancouver(2), waterfall(2)
People: Claira(5), Nara(5), Philip(5), Helen(3), Janet(3), Lloyd(3)
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > May 2018

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Last Modified Sunday, January 22nd, 2023 at 00:01:01 Edit
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