July 2007
Love that Summer Weather
Low Tide in Stanley Park
I had some time off and I spent it looking out the
window of my appartment. I realized the tide was low.
Really low. I looked it up and it turned out that this Sunday was
going to be one of the lowest tides of the year. I once heard
there was really good tide pooling under the lions gate bridge in
Stanley Park and Sunday looked good. Hey, why not?
When you pull into Stanley Park (on the English Bay side) you come
under a Great Blue Heron colony. It's quite noisy, a bit smelly
and no where near where you want to park, but cool to see. It
also means there are lots of great blue herons around getting
lunch. They are quite used to people (living in a tourist
attraction) but do try to be respectful.
We made it to the somewhat muddy (but very flat) rocks on the west
side. The sea wall was still closed from last winters wind
storm so there was no way to get around to under the bridge. I
kind of wonder if there wildlife is enjoying a holliday from the
regular stress of the tourists and locals using the wall.
Day Fireworks
Canada day fireworks have been canceled in Vancouver for at least three
years. Vancouver seems to like to riot/fight with little
provocation so the last few years were canceled because of the oneros
cost of security. Someone figured out how to make money with
fireworks and this year they are back on. In an added twist, they
are on in more than one location - one near Canada Place (the opposite
side of Vancouver from my house), the other set in West Vancouver near
Ambleside. From my deck I could see both and they stayed mostly
in sync the whole night.
Canada day is one of the longer days of the year so the fireworks
didn't start until late and even then it wasn't really dark. I
had a bunch of people over for drinks and a view - a good time had by
Tags: bird(8), Stanley Park(6), fireworks(6), city(6), Vancouver(6), beach(5)
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > July 2007
From: John Harvey Photo > Stanley Park > July 2007
From: John Harvey Photo > Photos of Vancouver > Stanley Park > July 2007
Last Modified Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 23:45:18 Edit
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