October 2017
The days are getting shorter, but there is no shortage of things
to see
Four Arts At the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Garden
The Dr. Sun Yat-Sen
Garden does a number of seasonal events such as Chinese New
Years and a fall harvest event. This year, they opened the
garden at night and focused on the four classical Chinese
arts. We went with Jin and Jesse's family and our kids
focused on lanterns and getting wet in the rain.
First time I've seen it, the garden sold
floating lanterns. They had a small candle inside and you
folded the petals of the flower like shape to make a boat.
Launching the boats was tricky because of the slippery
rocks. The kids thought it was pretty cool.

I tried to take some portraits. The
kids really liked silly faces.
While the kids watched the musical performance I tried to take
some photos of the garden. It was raining hard but the
garden has a covered walkway so it's not impossible to take
photos without getting your camera wet. I was surprised to
see so much rain coming off the drip tiles.
Victoria For Thanksgiving
Nara broke her arm at bike camp this summer
so she hasn't been allowed to bike until it healed well.
Today was the first day we let here bike. Grandpa maintains
a collection of kids bikes and we went for a ride along lochside
When I lived in Victoria, I went out to East Sooke Park a few
times. We always went to the West side where the mine
was. After reading some reviews online, I decided to go for
a walk at Aylard Farm on the eastern side of the park. There
is a large parking lot (which has been expanded twice over the
years) and wide trails leaving in a few directions. We
decided to go down to the beach.

The beach is a mix of fine sand and
rocks. Near the water line and hiding in the rocks were tide
pools with sea anemones! A few anemones were in the sand,
but most liked to be shaddy pools around the rocks.
Just down the beach was a flock of birds resting on the
rocks. Among the seagulls were 5 Black Oyster catchers with
very bright bills. Normally there bright orange bills are
contrast with their black bodies, but with the sun directly behind
them their bills basically glowed.
Alternating between fishing and cleaning themselves on the rocks
were a pair of river otters. They were productive - it only
took them a minute to come up with a decent sized fish to
eat. They pulled up some sort of small eel and there was no
mercy - bites taken while the eel was still wriggling around.

We continued walking around the point (we
took the ocean side route) and got to the petroglyphs on the rocks
overlooking the ocean. The sign says it was likely a profile
picture of a seal, but there is always some interpretation.
It was getting closer to lunch time so we packed up and drove
home. Claira was home with Mom completing her Chinese
homework so we swapped kids and I took Claira out for a
walk. Claira wanted her scoot bike even though she is good
with a pedal bike now. We rolled around Outerbirdge
garden. Claira found a caterpillar.
There are some traditions the kids really enjoy. Going to a
farm to pick pumpkins is a favorite, even though they have fall
and hit themselves on the last two trips. This time we
picked a different farm (no tractor ride, better parking) so we
could just walk out and get pumpkins before lunch time.

New Camera
I ordered a new D850 shortly after it came
out - not early enough to get an early model, but early
enough. Saturday morning, I got the new camera.
Saturday afternoon, I went for a walk in Stanley Park while the
kids were in Chinese class.


The kids know Halloween is coming
weeks before it happens. Their school puts on a fundraising
event called the Halloween Howl where the kids go in costumes and
play games for tickets which they can then redeem for prizes.
The whole thing is run by volunteers for fun and I hope it raises
some money for whatever project the PAC has planned for this
year. This year, the kids picked their costumes (bunny and
black cat) and we got the some things to help.
When I was a kid, I don't remember ever getting facepaint.
Today facepaint is pretty much required to make a good
costume. The kids were happy with their outfits and we went
out to play! The kids spent most of their stamps on bouncy
castle time which yields no tickets so we had to buy a second stamp
card. They found a few things they liked - mostly throwing
We live in a condo tower and which means there are limited (but a
few) options to trick-or-treat on Halloween night in our
neighborhood. My hair stylist suggested we visit hers (Mount
Pleasant) and we have for the last three years. It's a crazy
busy neighborhood on Halloween - houses are decorated, performance
art happens in some yards and fireworks are pretty much continuously
going off. Our kids claim to be brave, but by the end of the
night, anything that went bump made them run.
They had a really good time!
Tags: Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden(7), night(7), Halloween(5), Stanley Park(5), costume(5), lantern(4)
People: Claira(11), Nara(9), Abby(3), Haley(3), Janet(2), Lloyd(1)
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > October 2017
Last Modified Sunday, January 29th, 2023 at 21:03:28 Edit
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