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Photo Search Returned 101 to 120 of 155
Restrict search - garden AND: flower 32 Japan 30 Butchart Gardens 22 flowers 12 VanDusen 11 Hawaii 10
New search - Related Tags: Japan 739 flower 412 Hawaii 166 VanDusen 116 flowers 77 Butchart Gardens 43

Falls Close Up

This is part of the Japanese Gardens.

John Harvey Photo > A Weekend Around Nanaimo > Falls Close Up

Pink Flowers

I'd love to know what this is.

Tags: flower, garden

John Harvey Photo > A Weekend Around Nanaimo > Pink Flowers

Pink Hyacinth

The fountains in the background change over time.  In the winter they are lit up.

John Harvey Photo > A Weekend Around Nanaimo > Pink Hyacinth

Group of Red Tulips

There are so many varieties of Tulips - I love how
Bucharts frames their flowers.  I believe the background flowers are Myosotis or
Wood Forget me Not.

John Harvey Photo > A Weekend Around Nanaimo > Group of Red Tulips

Double Dafodils

This is a pretty cool Dafodil.

Tags: flower, garden

John Harvey Photo > A Weekend Around Nanaimo > Double Dafodils

Red Tulips

I love the fields of flowers Butchart sets up.

Tags: flower, garden

John Harvey Photo > A Weekend Around Nanaimo > Red Tulips

Double Tulips

These are some pretty cool tulips - I've never seen them outside before
and Bucharts is pretty famous for having the cutting edge in flowers.

Tags: flower, garden

John Harvey Photo > A Weekend Around Nanaimo > Double Tulips

Red Bridge

If I was to do this again I think I'd take a better angle on the bridge, but at
the time I was just happy their weren't people on the bridge.

John Harvey Photo > A Weekend Around Nanaimo > Red Bridge

Multi Colors of Sweet Williams

These flowers form a nice palette of colors.  I beleve these are Sweet Williams.

John Harvey Photo > A Weekend Around Nanaimo > Multi Colors of Sweet Williams

Red Tulips, Purple Background

These Tulips are so bright they hurt to look at.  I think they've
exceeded the film's parameters.

John Harvey Photo > A Weekend Around Nanaimo > Red Tulips, Purple Background

Double Dafodils

This is a pretty cool Dafodil.

Tags: flower, garden

John Harvey Photo > A Weekend Around Nanaimo > Double Dafodils

Cream Tulip

This tulip is missing a pedal and gives us an inside view of the flower.

Tags: flower, garden

John Harvey Photo > A Weekend Around Nanaimo > Cream Tulip

Pink Flower

I'm sure someone who is clever would know what species this is.

Tags: flower, garden

John Harvey Photo > A Weekend Around Nanaimo > Pink Flower

White Hyacinth

This is a close-up of White Hyacinth.

Tags: flower, garden

John Harvey Photo > A Weekend Around Nanaimo > White Hyacinth

White Rhodo's

This is again a rather brutal exposure.

Tags: flower, garden

John Harvey Photo > A Weekend Around Nanaimo > White Rhodo's

Yellow Rhodo's

This is again a rather brutal exposure.

Tags: flower, garden

John Harvey Photo > A Weekend Around Nanaimo > Yellow Rhodo's

Flowers on Deck

The farm house is beautiful - there are flowers all around the house.

Tags: flower, garden

John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - A Weekend on Salt Spring > Flowers on Deck

Canadian Flag at Peace Arch

The lighting here was kind of out of this world.

Tags: field, flag, garden

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > A Weekend in Seattle > Canadian Flag at Peace Arch

Japanese Garden
I believe this is a recent addition. For comparison, a Japanese version a few hundred years old.

I came back 17 years later and took a photo from a similar spot. The rocks have moved a lot and some of the trees are much larger now.

Tags: garden, twin, zen

John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > March, 2005 > Japanese Garden

This bird was standing on one of the outer buildings in the gardens at Hatley castle. There weren't many birds but they were fairly tame.
Tags: bird, garden

John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > March, 2005 > Peacock

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