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Restrict search - Hong Kong AND: Mai Po Nature Reserve 1 dorsal 1 insect 1
New search - Related Tags: insect 104 Mai Po Nature Reserve 77 dorsal 31

Clouded Magpie
Apparently they try to look like bird poo.
Tags: Hong Kong
Species: Abraxas sylvata (Clouded Magpie)

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Hong Kong 13 > Clouded Magpie

False Tiger Moth
I have seen these moths on my last few visit - they are large, brightly coloured and active during the day. I had tried taking photos while they were in flight, but they are so active I always failed. This trip I tried harder to find them on plants and had some luck!
Species: Dysphania militaris (False Tiger Moth)

John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Hong Kong 11 > False Tiger Moth