Day 1 - Vancouver to Castlegar
Go East young travelers

The first stop was about 50 feet from my
house - 7-11. We loaded up on the obligatory snacks and slurpies and
got ready for our big trip. The three of us fit in the car,
filling baggage area, but not so much I couldn't see out the back.
We packed tents, a stove, food for the first night, sleeping bags and
everything else needed for a good bit of camping.

drove east to Hope and took the right turn to the lonely highway #3 -
the Crows Nest pass. I've been out to Manning Park a few
times before and I was again saddened to see the massive pine beetle
damage of the coniferous trees. Just past the middle of the Park
and it became new road for me - I've never been this far east before.
Just out of the park we stopped in Princeton - a small town with a nice
food store (Overwaitea) where we picked up fixings for Lunch. As
we drove out of town we looked for a good place for lunch and found
Bromley Rock - a nice park on the Similkameen River.


I wasn't really expecting to see fruit stands - it's
not like they occupy every corner in Vancouver, but there they were -
fruit stands! We pulled in and showed off just what it's like
when kids from the big town get into the country.
Really, I don't have a problem. I love the texture, colour and
repetition of fruit (and I've always had a thing for markets) so seeing
bins full of high quality produce was a very tempting photo target.
I quite liked Osoyoos - my original plan was to stay at camp site near
the desert interpretive center. Jer (Navigator extraordinary!) pointed
out "We're still a long way from Calgary" so we decided to drive on to
Castlegar - the next big town. As we climbed into the mountains, we
found our first snow. Not so much camping tonight.
Tags: produce(19), market(16), apple(4), salt(4), tree(2), field(2)
People: Jeremy(1)
From: John Harvey Photo > A BC Road Trip > Day 1: Vancouver to Castlegar
From: John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > A BC Road Trip > Day 1: Vancouver to Castlegar
Last Modified Tuesday, June 9th, 2009 at 00:46:54 Edit
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