January 2013
I swear, I am not a "birder"

I was really happy to find the Reifel
Bird Sanctuary a few years ago - a nice place to see ducks,
Sandhill cranes and other not so common birds. I've heard a
lot about Boundary bay, but I haven't had much luck actually
seeing birds there it always seemed so far away. I finally
found a "reliable" place - the parking lot at the end of 72
street. I've been twice in the last few weeks and see a few
birds. My first trip out was just after new years - I was still
ill but Nara was feeling better. It turned out to be quite
foggy and cold so you couldn't see very far, but even with a short
view distance, there was still a few raptors to see. I had a
two year old on my shoulders so I didn't take very many photos.
I am not a birder. That said, I did see what I would
normally call a "little brown jobby" that I didn't
recognize. This little guy was in the water just at the foot
of the dike - just a few feet away. It was bird I'd never
seen before.
Vancouver Aquarium

About a year ago I took Nara to the
Aquarium to see what we could see. I got a lot of surprises
- while Nara loves her Baby Beluga book, she very quickly got
bored looking at the real beluga and dolphins. My
theory at the time is that she couldn't evaluate the relative
rareness of things - fish in tank were just as rare as Beluga's in
One year later, principal still hold? Yup. She really
liked the frogs, fish and monkeys. Dolphins weren't even
worth watching while she ate crackers. The beluga's didn't
have a baby (the song is Baby Beluga) so she quickly lost
interest. Sharks and a sea turtle got 30 seconds of
attention. The sleeping sea otters - those she

We have taken Nara swimming since she was
about 9 months old. The lessons are "Parent and Child" so I
don't often get a chance to take photos. My Dad happened to
be in town so he brought my camera over and kindly took photos of
Nara and I swimming.

Nara quite really enjoys various types of
boat rides.
Thanks Dad for the photos!
Tags: Boundary Bay(7), bird(5), Vancouver Aquarium(5), swimming(3), swing(2), playground(2)
People: Nara(8), Claira(3), John(2)
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > January 2013
Last Modified Sunday, January 29th, 2023 at 20:43:21 Edit
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