John Harvey

April 2024

Go to Slide Show Smaller Images And some clever quip...

Science Fair!

Nara With Project Board
Nara has competed in three year of Science Fair.  Her first year was in grade 6 when she did a project showing that copper is toxic to brine shrimp, which is very similar to how the Britannia Mine basically sterilized Howe Sound.  Because she was in grade 6, she couldn't go to nationals so she didn't make it out of her school (Kerrisdale) science fair.   In grade 7 she did a project on Kelp's ability to remove fertilizer from sea water.  We converted our cooler into an aquarium and built a life support system to keep the kelp alive.  She made it to Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair (GVRSF), won gold and then went to Edmonton for nationals where she won Silver.  This year she has a new project - using machine learning to find probable miscarriages in the local resident population of Orca's.  GVRSF was her second show and this year she was able to go to the show with her younger friends from Kerrisdale.  She had a great time!

We mostly just drop off Nara and she runs around with her friends, but after all the judging, lab tours and public shows there is an awards ceremony.  We played this game last year (junior is early, intermediate and senior is later and if you are lucky and get invited to Canada wide, expect to be there for a few hours) so Nara had her homework for school on Monday and her laptop so she wouldn't miss her french class.

Lunch On Amphitheater StepsAudienceCanada Wide Science Fair Junior Team

Nara was luck and did get invited to be part of the national team.  This is quite a privilege - 200+ science fair projects enter and roughly 17 kids get to go to Nationals from Greater Vancouver.  To be asked to go two years back to back was very fortunate.

Nara With GVRSF GoldNara Going to CWSF
When Nara did her Kelp project, we redid her whole project between the school science fair and GVRSF.  Lucky for us, she was happy with the results from her project so we didn't have to do it again.  Less lucky - you need to make new boards for nationals and it takes dozens of hours to get everything perfect.

Greater Vancouver National Science Fair Team

We don't go with Nara to nationals (this year in Ottawa) but we do watch the awards ceremony online.  This year Nara won gold at nationals and an additional award. 

Vancouver Art Fair

  Taa Daa Art Sign
Vancouver Art Fair is an annual spring show that has both local artists and international artists.  There are local companies showing art products like prints and framing.  There are lots of talks by artists and workshops where you can learn new techniques.  Claira and I got a day pass and went for a walk to see the artists.

I don't like taking photos of just other peoples art - I don't bring much to the table in that scenario. 
Claira With Aisle Of ArtClaira Adding To Community Art

Reifel Bird Sanctuary

I have this dream of going to Reifle Bird Sanctuary and seeing endless fluff ball chicks.  This wasn't that trip.  It was a nice spring trip walk with lots of birds doing pair and nest building behaviors.

Marsh Wren SingingMarsh Wren On Hawthorn
I really like Marsh Wrens in Spring.  They are high on breeding hormones so they still out on limbs (easy to photograph) trying to attract a mate.  In the fall, you can hear the Marsh Wren's but your chance of seeing them is almost zero.

Male Annas Hummingbird

  Sandhill Crane With Dirty Beak
Reifel bird sanctuary is one of the best places to see Sandhill Cranes in the lower mainland.  (There is an estuary in Masset that is also a great place to see them).  The Cranes are also a little hormone crazy so this isn't a great time of the year to try and hand feed them.
SBend Head And Neck
One of my favorites are the tree sparrows and their nest boxes.

House Sparrows On Nest BoxTree Swallow BackTree Swallow On Nest Box

The Sanctuary does have a lot of ponds.  As I have roughly a million photos of ducks so I'm not going to spend the morning taking photos of birds.

Female Blackbird On BullrushBufflehead Male And FemalePartner Northern Shovellers
Great Blue Heron Next To Pond
Funny enough - I did a search of which species I have the most photos of.  Number one species is currently Orca's with 33 photos.  Bald Eagle is number 2 with 30 photos, followed closely by Great Blue Heron with 29 photos.  One of those features I have wanted to write for a while is a ranking system against tags so I can identify which is best.  Someday.

Eagle Flying Over
Lesser Yellowlegs
Last bird I saw a Lesser Yellowlegs - it was in a pond right next to the parking lot.  I have a soft spot for these small wading birds and we don't see a lot of them this late in the spring. 


Partner Northern Shovellers
Species: Spatula clypeata (Northern Shoveler)
Altitude: 4m (13 feet)
Location: Go To...
Greater Vancouver National Science Fair Team
Taa Daa Art Sign
Person: Claira
Tags: art, sign
Male Annas Hummingbird
Species: Calypte anna (Anna's Hummingbird)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Sandhill Crane With Dirty Beak
Species: Grus canadensis (Sandhill Crane)
Altitude: 15m (49 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Canada Wide Science Fair Junior Team
Tree Swallow On Nest Box
Species: Tachycineta bicolor (Tree Swallow)
Altitude: 9m (29 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Marsh Wren Singing
Species: Cistothorus palustris (Marsh Wren)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Marsh Wren On Hawthorn
Species: Cistothorus palustris (Marsh Wren)
Altitude: 9m (29 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Nara Going to CWSF
Person: Nara
Lesser Yellowlegs
Species: Tringa flavipes (Lesser Yellowlegs)
Tags: Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Bufflehead Male And Female
Species: Bucephala albeola (Bufflehead)
Altitude: 3m (9 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Female Blackbird On Bullrush
Species: Agelaius phoeniceus (Red-winged Blackbird)
Altitude: 5m (16 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Tree Swallow Back
Species: Tachycineta bicolor (Tree Swallow)
Altitude: 4m (13 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Claira Adding To Community Art
Person: Claira
Tags: art
Claira With Aisle Of Art
Person: Claira
Nara With GVRSF Gold
Person: Nara
Lunch On Amphitheater Steps
Eagle Flying Over
Altitude: 9m (29 feet)
Location: Go To...
House Sparrows On Nest Box
Species: Passer domesticus (House Sparrow)
Altitude: 15m (49 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Nara With Project Board
Person: Nara
Great Blue Heron Next To Pond
Species: Ardea herodias (Great Blue Heron)
Altitude: 22m (72 feet)
Location: Go To...
SBend Head And Neck
Species: Grus canadensis (Sandhill Crane)
Altitude: 15m (49 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Tags: Reifel Bird Sanctuary(11), art(2), sign(1)
People: Claira(3), Nara(3)
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > April 2024

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Last Modified Tuesday, June 4th, 2024 at 22:09:10 Edit
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